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2 Sept Mots qui vous aident avec la pronunciation française
Restaurant café au lait Haute Couture Concierge Monsieur Magnifique Oeil de boeuf



5 [R] R R is a consonant To make the Sound
Raise the back of your tongue close to the back of the throat and make a gargling sound. The sound is made with the vocal cords

6 [R]: Restaurant It is not really a rolled sound
Gargled sound like the ch is Scottish loch The Scottish ch sound is not voiced like the French r Radio Réserver Riche

7 [R]: Restaurant It keeps the same quality in the middle of words
Sourire Vendre A final r is normally pronounced Car (because) Hiver (winter) Sur (on) Sortir (to go out)

8 [R]: Restaurant EXCEPTION
The final R is not sounded at the end of er verbs Parler (to speak) Manger(to eat) In –ier endings: premier (first), Janvier(January) Papier(paper)

9 Restauran t au pronounced o
a followed by n, pronounced aw (nasalised a) silent t at the end of the word In fact, if you can pronounce rrres-to-rrrawn, then bravo, you’re on your way to correct French pronunciation - and possibly a good meal.

10 Nasaled ~ a The vowel is usually nasalised when followed by a single n or m (within the same syllable) The n or m is not pronounced changes into a nasal sound. Back of the tongue is pulled down as low as possible with the mouth open. The soft palate is relaxed and down Opens up the nasal cavity to let air out of the nose. It is a back low vowel as in English Arthur

11 Nasaled ~ a An (year) Sans (without) Chambre (room) Camper (to camp)
Ain/aim = bain(bath), faim(hunger) with the same pronunciation as in vin (wine), plein (full) and un (one)

12 CAFÉ AU LAIT Whether it’s café au lait or café crème, thé, vin or de l’eau, ordering beverages is a daily exercise in French pronunciation. Vowels: é, accent aigu, pronounced ay è, accent grave, pronounced eh ai sounding like eh in lait (with a silent t) eau is simply oh, unless you want it bubbly, or pétillant, in which ll is pronounced y, so it’s pay-tee-yawn.

13 CAFÉ AU LAIT Consonants: th pronounced as t
the i followed by n in vin is pronounced, unlike other final consonants if you want vin du pays, pronounce it payee with a silent s. To make the t sound.. Press the point of the tongue firmly against the back of the top teeth and release. The sund t uses the breath whereas its voiced twin d uses vocal chords.


15 Haute Couture (h sound)
French h is always silent but has two distinct qualities It can be mute It can be aspirated It behaves like a vowel. Le and la shorten to l’ in front of words starting with a h mute L’homme not le homme L’histore not la histoire L’hôtel = [otel]

16 Haute Couture (h sound)
Aspirate h. La hauteur (height) Le haricot (bean) = [ariko] H is always silent wherever it falls in a word Heureux (happy) Dehors (outside)

17 Haute Couture Aspirate h.
La hauteur (height) Le haricot (bean) = [ariko] H is always silent wherever it falls in a word Heureux (happy) Dehors (outside)

18 Haute Couture (T Sound)
In a letter combination rh and th the h is not pronounced Rhume (cold) Théâtre (theatre) Thé (tea) Do not be tempted to pronounce th as in English e.g. this or that. The sound does not exist in French. Summary aspirate, as in haute e.g. La haute couture silent as in l’homme Note that in haute the t is not silent because it is followed by an e.

19 Le son T

20 Haute Couture (C Sound)
French c has two pronunciations. The word concert includes both examples [k] and [s] The clue to pronouncing them lies in the letter after each c

21 Haute Couture (C Sound)
The French c The c in couture is pronounced like k when followed by o, a or u, but like s when followed by e, i or y. C with a cedilla (ç) is also an s sound, as in garçon. The French u The ou in couture is simply pronounced oo, but the solo u is a challenge - it requires that you pucker your lips. This is also how you pronounce the u in rue, so it’s a useful one to get right.

22 Concierge (C Sound) Concierge brings you the c pronounced both ways
The K sound for Con [kon] + on (nasal sound) C + I = S sound (see)

23 Interesting Points That’s billets pronounced be-yay.
Double ll is like a yay sound (see the word pétillant earlier slide). Théâtre starts with th pronounced as t and é is eh, â is ah, and the re sounds slightly clipped, as in sucre, poudre, descendre and vendre.

24 monsieur Monsieur is pronounced nothing like it looks.
Mon sounds like muh and sieur sounds like syuh spoken with puckered lips. Put them together for muh-syuh. You may be tempted to ask for Madame instead but practice makes perfect.

25 Magnifique The gn sound is like an n sound
Oignon, champignon and champagne Qu is pronounced like a k sound with the final e silent. The work qu’est-ce-que c’est, que is combined with est and pronounced k at the beginning of the phrase and kuh at the end.

26 Magnifique To make the gn sound flatten the front part of your tongue against the roof of your mouth and release (letting some air out of your nose). The is nasalised and voiced. It is pronounced like ny in English canyon Montagne Gagner vigne

27 Oeil de Boeuf In this very Parisian architectural feature, literally eye of bull, oeil is pronounced oy with a silent l and boeuf sounds something like buf - unlike most final consonants, the f is pronounced. This also occurs in oeuf, but in the plural, boeufs or oeufs, the f and s are both silent. The plural oeil is yeux with a silent x.

28 Two more French pronunciation tips to remember
Stress is put on a particular word in English Dentist, concert but in French each syllable is pronounced with the same intensity. A liaison happens when a silent consonant usually precedes a word starting with a vowel or h mute Les hôtels , pronounced layz-oh-tel. Petit ami pronounced puh-teet-ah-mee,

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