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Cells Structure & Function.

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Presentation on theme: "Cells Structure & Function."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cells Structure & Function

2 Recap… Who coined the term “cell”? __________

3 Cells Smallest living unit Most are microscopic But not all! 3

4 Principles of Cell Theory
All living things are made of cells - They are the structure and function of every organism Smallest living unit is the cell All cells arise from preexisting cells (this principle discarded the idea of spontaneous generation) 4

5 Cell Theory-Remember? The cell is the basic unit of structure & function of all living things. All living things (organisms) are made of cells. All cells come from pre-existing cells. So, this disproved Spontaneous Generation

6 Cell Types Prokaryotic Pro=No Eukaryotic You= Eukaryote 6

7 Prokaryotic Cells First cell type on earth
No membrane bound nucleus or organelles Single Celled! Bacteria 7

8 Eukaryotic Cells Nucleus bound by membrane
Include fungi, protists, plant, and animal cells Possess many organelles Protozoan 8

9 Representative Animal Cell

10 Representative Plant Cell


12 Cell Membrane Barrier between inside and outside of cell
Double layer of phospholipids + proteins Controls what enters and leaves cell 12

13 Cell Walls Found in plants & fungi Surrounds plasma (cell) membrane
Made of non-living material (Cellulose) 13

14 Cytoplasm Jelly-like fluid containing organelles
- Cushions and protects organelles Continually streaming (moving) 14

15 Ribosome Free floating or attached Site of Protein Synthesis
Reads RNA to make proteins 15

16 Nucleus “Brain” of cell Double membrane Contains
Controls cell activities Double membrane Contains Chromosomes (DNA) Nucleolus (to make ribosomes) 16

17 DNA Hereditary material Normally found as loose Chromatin
Deoxyribonucleic Acid Normally found as loose Chromatin When Cell needs to divide, it condenses into Chromosomes Chromosomes code for Proteins 17

18 Nucleolus Inside the Nucleus Produces ribosomes 18

19 Lysosomes Contain digestive enzymes Functions “LYS”!
Breaks down old cell parts Digests invaders/waste 19

20 Vacuoles Membrane bound storage sacs
Plants have LARGE ones... animals are smaller Stores: Water Food Wastes 20

21 Mitochondria Breaks down fuel molecules (Glucose) (cellular respiration) Makes ATP - Cell’s energy molecule Active Cells have many - Muscle cells need more energy than skin cells 21

22 Chloroplasts Solar energy is captured and changed here
Found in plants and green algae Site of Photosynthesis Turns inorganic H2O and CO2 into an organic food molecule Glucose is made! C6H12O6 22

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