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Welcome to Mrs. Tucker’s 1st Grade Class!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Tucker’s 1st Grade Class!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Tucker’s 1st Grade Class!

2 Team Tucker: A New Game Plan in 1st Grade!

3 Frey Elementary Vision: Best School in the Nation FLAMES Mission
Fostering Leadership Among Motivated Engaged Students

4 AIM HIGH Attitude Ideas Management Helpfulness Influence Gratitude Hope

5 Frey’s Big 3 Do Your Best Be Kind Make Good Choices

6 Behavior System ~ AIM HIGH
You will receive a log in code from Class Dojo for your child. Points will be awarded for AIMING HIGH behavior choices. Points may also be removed. Parents will be able to see all points at the end of each day! Again, no news. . . is good news!

7 Class Dojo Points can be awarded for:
AIMING HIGH (2 pts) Exceptional Job on Work (1 pt) Good Attitude (1 pt) Great Gratitude (1 pt) Kind/Helpful (1 pt) Making Good Choices ( 1pt) Shining Bright Group Time (1 pt) Team Builder Today (1 pt) Points can be removed when students need to work on these areas : Completing Work in a Timely Manner Controlling Talking Following Classroom Rules Self Control Following School Rules Staying on Task/ Group and Independent Remembering to Be Kind/Helpful

8 Daily Schedule: Math Workshop Writers Workshop
Phonics/Spelling/Reading Lunch/Specials Readers Workshop Recess Content Studies (Social Studies, Science & Health) Pack Up and Read Aloud

9 New Morning Work Routine
Students will complete all morning work in a composition notebook that stays at school. Monday: Math Monday Tuesday: Text it Tuesday (spelling word practice) Wednesday: Write it Wednesday Thursday: Think About it Thursday (creativity & critical thinking) Friday: Fun Friday Choices

10 3+, 3, 2 and 1 Scores for Report Cards and Progress Reports
We will continue to assess students using the scale listed above. Keep in mind, a large majority of our work will be done in journals! (less work coming home this year) 4 ½ week Progress Reports 9 week Report Cards Mini Touchstone Tests throughout the year to check student understanding!

11 1st Grade Math First 9 Weeks Counting to 120 Place Value
Measurement and Time Money Data and Graphing Addition & Subtraction to 10, Word Problems to 10 Extramath Letters coming soon!

12 1st grade ELA First 9 Weeks Narrative Story Writing
Reading Fluency, Comprehension,& Connections Print Features Grammar and Vocabulary Phonics and Spelling Rules Sight Word Recognition See Saw Letters coming soon!

13 Students will use a notebook to learn new vocabulary words this year.
Words of the Week Students will use a notebook to learn new vocabulary words this year. Check the folder for new vocabulary words each week!

14 Science, Social Studies, & Health First 9 Weeks
Science: Weather Social Studies: Goods & Services Where We Live Landforms & Water Patriotism & America

15 Homework Policy: Homework journals come home on Friday and will be returned on the next Friday!

16 Student Notebooks Daily notebook home for communication
Notebook will have calendars, sight word lists, reading log for nightly reading, dojo reminder sheet (behavior), transportation forms, and parent communication folder for money & notes. Students will also bring home papers in this folder.

17 Students will remain in the same house.
House System Students will remain in the same house. Pep Rallies and House Cup Winners will be just like last year for behavior and student involvement. 9 week winners, AAA winner, and end of year winner. No teacher assignments for leaders this year.

18 Birthdays will be celebrated at lunch!
Lunch Time 10:53-11:18 Snack~ Send a snack and water bottle daily to school just like last year! Birthdays will be celebrated at lunch!

19 Specials Schedule 11:30-12:15 Monday: PE Tuesday: Technology Wednesday: Music Thursday: PE Friday: Art

20 Transportation Daily transportation will remain the same unless a note is provided by the parent. I will have transportation notes for you to use in the daily notebook. ed changes will not be accepted. Changes can be made via the front office before 1:30pm.

21 First Grade goes to Zoo Atlanta in the spring!
Field Trip First Grade goes to Zoo Atlanta in the spring!

22 First Grade Dates to Know
Open House ~ 8/17 Picture Day ~ 8/22 House Pep Rally ~ 8/25 Early Release ~ 8/30 Labor Day Holiday ~ 9/4 COGAT Testing ~ 9/6-9/8 Movie Night ~ 9/15 Fall Break ~ 9/25- 9/29 Fall Festival ~ 10/7 Early Release ~ 10/11 Conference Week ~ 10/16- 10/20

23 Room Parents Thanks to Lauren Bowman and Kali Foley for volunteering to be our room parents again this year!

24 Things to remember: Return the Performing Arts Permission Form.
Sign up for Remind 101 text messages. Return the Eclipse Day form for any students leaving in the 1:15 car line. Take home your eclipse glasses for August 21st! We will meet in October to discuss academic progress, behavior expectations and the 1st Report Card!

25 Thanks for coming tonight!
Contact Information Thanks for coming tonight!

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