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Process Inventory Name: Empathy Prototyping Feedback

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1 Process Inventory Name: Empathy Prototyping Feedback
How are you doing as an school/individual in these three stages? What are you doing already for each stage? What could you be doing to be better in each stage?

2 Personal Leadership Reflection
How does your leadership/teaching style allow for or hinder the behaviors associated with empathy, prototyping and feedback? How might you get started or incorporating these stages more? How might these behaviors be celebrated or valued in your classroom/office?

3 Spend some time brainstorming with a partner around how to work in a design thinking way or how to teach others to work in this way. Select 2 or 3 ideas to prototype by the end of this time. Some brainstorming prompts to start with (feel free to create your own): HMW setup ways for teachers and administrators to gain empathy for each other (including admin-admin and teacher-teacher) How might we (HMW) encourage administrators/teachers to get to know students? HMW establish a prototyping/feedback culture with ________ ? HMW celebrate failure more at our school? Empathy Prototyping Feedback HMW teach our kids to create/write with a user in mind? HMW make our schedule be more human-centered? HMW involve our students more in peer feedback? HMW establish a prototyping/feedback culture with lesson planning?

4 Challenge Timelines with Struggles and “How Might We”s
Birth Launch Middle End How to choose challenge? Proper framing (not to narrow or broad) Hard to align to student interests How do you know where students will end up? How do we create immersive experiences with our constraints? (short periods, have to stay on campus, lots of kids, ….) Hard to keep up with 8 student groups at once (each project at a unique place and each group has own issues) Hard to know what the students are going to produce. What are the students going to produce? How are we going to assess it? …Choose a large challenge that stimulates student interest while matching to standards/curriculum? …create immersive experiences with simple resources? …serve groups at different points? How to manage lots of projects in different groups? …assess 8 unique projects fairly? ….be nimble to accommodate different solution forms? Struggles How Might We…

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