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Improving punctuality at Harry Gosling

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1 Improving punctuality at Harry Gosling

2 In assembly this week I will be asking the children these two questions. 1. What is the connection between Big Ben and our school? 2. Would you be late for an appointment with the Queen?

3 ‘Every time our bell rings, we step closer to our dreams’

4 Why did we invest in a new school bell?
Improve punctuality Symbolise our vision of high aspiration for all pupils at this school Place our school at the heart of the community Connect with historical legacy of the area


6 Why are we having meetings about punctuality?
The number of children arriving after 9.00 a.m has increased These children do not start the day in the best frame of mind for learning. It has a negative effect on their self-confidence. Classes are interrupted by late arrivals. Last year our attendance really improved. Harry Gosling School was ranked 19th in Tower Hamlets (it was 43rd the year before). We want to sustain this improvement.

7 Why is punctuality so important?
Punctuality is a life skill, and a habit which needs to be established at a young age Punctuality is a mark of an attitude towards school and learning. We want our children to arrive hungry for learning, not sauntering in. Outstanding schools have outstanding punctuality Lateness has a negative impact on learning

8 How does punctuality have a negative impact on learning?
Children arrive in a rush and in a panic. Our children need to arrive in a calm frame of mind ready for learning. Children feel embarrassed going into class. This can de-motivate them and instill negative feelings about themselves and school They miss the register They miss what the class has started to learn – the school day runs on a very tight timetable and there is not a moment to lose. It interrupts the class and someone else has to stop what they are doing to explain everything

9 What do we do in school to improve attendance & punctuality?
Changed our arrangements in the mornings so that school day begins at 8.55 in Yrs 1-6 and 9.00 in Reception and Nursery Reward children with excellent attendance records Report weekly in the newsletter Have clear procedures for monitoring children’s punctuality and attendance Have a dedicated team of staff who work with families to support better attendance and punctuality. Includes Rouhe, Shelley, the ISAAP team from the mosque and Asad from the Local Authority Have rigorous follow up with families who continually arrive late

10 The procedures are: The gates remain open until 9.20 a.m
Our TA Rosna records late arrivals (the Year 6 and Year 3 doors are closed as soon as the classes have gone in) Lateness will be recorded in two ways 1) late 2) late arriving after the register has closed (9.10 a.m) Parents are notified by letter after 3 lates in a half term If there is a 4th late, Shelley rings to check If lateness persists, an appointment is made with Shelley If there is still no improvement the Attendance and Welfare Advisor is informed A penalty notice (£60 per parent per child) will be issued for 20 lates in a term

11 We will remind the children about how they can help to make sure they are on time
Get to bed earlier, have a good night’s sleep and wake up earlier Get out of bed in plenty of time! Pack our bag the night before and put it by the door so we don’t forget it Put out our school clothes the night before Agree with our family who uses the bathroom and when, so no-one holds each other up with last minute teeth brushing Have clear routines in the morning and older children help younger brothers and sisters get ready for school in the morning Turn off the TV or computer, stop playing with toys, at an agreed time Leave the house 5 minutes earlier than you need to Walk to school at a good pace Catch the earlier bus or train in case the buses or trains are running late Allow for traffic jams if you come to school by car The school gates open at 8.45 so school is open if you are early.


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