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European Network for Rural Development (EN RD)

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Presentation on theme: "European Network for Rural Development (EN RD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 European Network for Rural Development (EN RD)
Gregor Novak (CP EN RD), 21/09/2009, Bratislava, Slovakia

2 Structure of the presentation:
Legal basis, EN RD structures and main objectives Contact Point (CP) EN RD Overall EN RD structure Interlinks with the National Rural Networks (NRNs) Support for Transnational Cooperation

3 Legal basis, EN RD structures and main objectives

4 Legal basis of ENRD Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September 2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) – Article 67 Aims: To collect, analyse and disseminate information on RD measures; To consolidate good rural development practice; To provide information on developments in rural areas; To organise meetings and seminars; To set-up and run rural expert networks (notably for evaluation); To support the national networks and transnational co-operation initiatives. TWG - Defined mandate, chaired by a representative of the Commission; Max 15 members, designated by the Commission, taking into account proposals made by the Coordination committee; Regular reporting to the Coordination committee on the subjects covered by their mandate; Final report – to the Coordination Committee at max two years after creation.

5 The National Rural Networks (1)
As part of the EU rural development policy for , each MS shall establish a national rural network, which groups the organisations and administrations involved in rural development. Funding: A part of the Technical Assistance of the Rural Development programmes (1) Regulation 1698/2005 Article 68

6 The National Rural Networks - continuation
Their action plan shall contain at least: the identification and analysis of good transferable practices and the provision of information about them; network management; the organisation of exchange of experience and know-how; the preparation of training programmes for LAGs in the process of formation; and technical assistance for inter-territorial and transnational cooperation.

7 ENRD structure Commission Decision No 168/2008 of 20 February 2008 setting up the organisational structure for the European Network for Rural Development: Coordination Committee (69 members); Leader Sub-Committee (67 members); Thematic working groups (max 15 members); Evaluation expert committee. CC - Composition (69 members): 27 from MS authorities + 27 from national networks; 12 from EU-wide organisations (covering the 4 Axes); 2 from Leader sub-committee + 1 from EU-wide LAGs organisation. Tasks: To assist the Commission in the preparation and implementation of network activities; To ensure coordination between the EN RD, national rural networks and organisations active in rural development at Community level; To advise the Commission on the annual work programme of EN RD, contribution to choice and coordination of thematic work; To propose the creation of thematic working groups. LSc - Composition (67 members - same organisations as in the CC, but possibly different nominees): 27 MS authorities, 27 national networks; 12 organisations active in RD; 1 EU-wide organisation representing LAGs; Contributes to the work of CC, concerning the Leader Axis; Support the Commission in monitoring the implementation of transnational cooperation projects. EEC - Shall follow the work of the Evaluation Expert Network; NB: Different composition than CC (2 representatives from each national competent authority); Different contact point (Evaluation Help desk); Different supervision in AGRI (lead: AGRI/L.4).

8 Main objectives and field of activities
Main objective of EN RD is: « A MORE EFFICIENT RD POLICY THROUGH INCREASED DIALOGUE » Activities: Capacity building – increased connections between stakeholders; Thematic and analytical analysis: developing knowledge on key issues; Communication tools.

9 EN RD Contact Point

10 ENRD Contact Point CP is the operational instrument of the network.
DG AGRI CP Support to transnational cooperation for LAGs Pools of experts to produce analysis Information and communication tools: publications, web site… Coordination with National Networks Promotion of the network

11 CP services and tools Services:
Secretariat of ENRD structures + thematic groups; Support to LEADER transnational cooperation; Coordination with national networks; Promotion and representation; Good practices database; (Support in analysis of monitoring indicators). Communication tools: Information line; EN RD Website (including Extranet facility); Seminars / conferences; Publications (e-newsletter, periodicals, best practices, thematic publications).

12 Team of the ENRD CP Contact details: Contact Point of the EN RD
81, Rue du Marteau B Brussels Tel: +32.(0) Fax: +32.(0) Human resources: 21 permanent staff; A pool of non-permanent experts; A team organised around three groups, each with allocated responsibility for the different services and tools.

13 The team structure of the Contact Point

14 Overall EN RD structure

15 Overall structure of ENRD
Overall structure of the EN RD Services: Secretariat of ENRD structures + thematic groups Support to transnational cooperation Coordination with national networks Analysis of monitoring indicators Promotion and representation Good practices database Seminars / conferences Publications (e-newsletter, periodicals, best practices, thematic publications) Communication tools : Information line EN RD Website Extranet facility DG AGRI CP Coordination committee Leader subcommittee Thematic group Expert group National Networks Managing authorities Rural actors European Evaluation Network Overall structure of ENRD

16 Interlinks with the National Rural Networks

17 Organisation of the National Rural Networks
(indicative data currently being updated) Within the Managing Authority BE-FL, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, FI, GR, IT, LT, LV, LU, MT, PL, PT, SI, ES, SE, UK- WAL Outsourced: AT, BE-WAL, BG, IE, NL, RO, UK NRN, UK-NIE, UK-ENG, UK-SCO Partially outsourced: SK, HU, FR With or without regional sub-structures

18 Examples of activities of the National Networks
Training – different fields, topics, beneficiaries; Information, communication, dissemination and exchanges between rural actors (with instruments, such as: web-sites, leaflets, newsletters, seminars, other promoting methods); Analytical / thematic work (working groups, projects, etc.); Support for cooperation (study and exchange visits, partner searching tools); Development of database of good practices.

19 Interlinks between the EN RD and NRNs
Necessary for all thematic activities AND for services and tools (databases etc.). Through: The meetings of the CC and LsC; Regular meetings of NRNs with the Contact Point of the EN RD; Questionnaires, regular exchanges; Links via websites. In March 2009: specific seminar on capacity building of NRN

20 Interlinks with various rural stakeholders networks
Necessary for both the EN RD and the NRNs Through: Committees / groups directly consulted on the activities of the EN RD and NRN; Meetings and events (seminars, conferences, trainings…); Services and tools (database, web sites, publications…); Information actions; Development of expertise (thematic working groups etc.); Various consultations …

21 Support for Transnational Cooperation (TNC)

22 Cooperation Guide “Integrated European cooperation guide” has been developed (informed by experience gained during past programming periods) updates to follow; mini videos + web based format; The 'integrated European cooperation guide' in its current version is based on the experiences of LAGs and National Rural Networks gained during past programming periods. It is based on existing guides and the results of the preparatory work conducted in Yr1. It is important to further develop and improve/update the guide so it becomes a practical tool useful for actors involved in transnational cooperation. Approval procedures were identified in Yr1 as being an area of uncertainty for many stakeholders. Accordingly, the first update of the guide will include: a fiche on TNC (including approval procedures) for each MS; practical examples of TNC. To improve the attractiveness and underline practical use of the guide, ‘mini videos’ about the different steps of transnational cooperation projects, based on project examples, will be produced. These films will give a broad geographical coverage of MS and present a mixture of experienced and non-experienced rural stakeholders. The guide will be adapted into a fully web-based format. It will be possible to adapt it as and when new needs are identified once LAGs have started to implement their cooperation projects in the current programming period. Feedback from the NRN meetings (see section on service code A3) will be an important channel through which emerging needs may be identified. The web-based tool will form part of the cooperation platform’.

23 Cooperation step by step
1. Getting ready to start 2. First step: preparing a cooperation project 3. Implement a cooperation project 4. Evaluation and Valorisation Before launching a cooperation project, getting ready to start. Objectives: make local stakeholders aware of what cooperation can bring identify cooperation promoters set up a cooperation structure identify tangible cooperation ideas First step: preparing a cooperation project Finding transnational partner(s) Meeting your partner(s) and agreeing to cooperate Preparing a transnational cooperation application for funding Negotiating the financial aspects of a cooperation project Bringing together the required resources: knowledge and technical Implement a cooperation project Organise a cooperation partnership Formalize the partnership Animating a cooperation partnership Evaluation and Valorization Monitoring and Evaluation Capitalization and dissemination Communication

24 Cooperation Platform Partner Search Tool (PST) will be finalized and actively administrated by the CP; The information in the PST will include important elements needed to have a first view of the territory, the stakeholders and the project idea. Approved Projects database (in due course). A Partner Search Tool will be finalized and actively administrated by the CP, to ensure the quality control of the information that is intended to be published within it. It will directly inform stakeholders about specific topics for which a cooperation partner is sought. The information in the PST will be limited to important elements needed to have a first view of the territory, the stakeholders and the project idea. The CP will pro-actively support the Partner Search process during events and meetings with NRNs and other stakeholders interested in TNC. Cooperation projects under approval, communicated by the Commission to the CP, will be recorded internally as part of a database according to an agreed procedure. They will be published in the “projects under approval” section of the EN RD public website, showing the current status of the procedure.

For further information please contact the Contact Point of the EN RD at the following address: 25

26 For further information:
DG AGRI – Rural Development: Summaries of legislation – Rural Development: Conference on Rural Development, Cyprus, 2008: European Evaluation Network for Rural Development: ENRD:

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