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Who won the first marathon?

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Presentation on theme: "Who won the first marathon?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who won the first marathon?
PE Swimming Athletics Striking and Fielding Topic Greek food tasting What was the Battle of Marathon? The first Olympics Science Grouping and classifying Earth and beyond PSHE Relationships Changes RE It Matters to Me, It Matters to Others ICT Graphical Modelling Literacy Persuasive Writing Stories from other cultures Classic narrative poetry Art Greek Masks Repeated patterns in Greek Art

2 Information for Parents Summer 2012 Year 5
How you can help at home: Read daily with your child and record this in their reading record. Support your child with their homework, provide a quiet working environment for this and remind them to hand it in. Support with the learning of times tables and spellings. Encourage them to talk about their learning with family members. Ensure your child comes to school every day with a full PE kit, reading book and record, drink and hat. Information for Parents                                                                                             Summer 2012 Year 5

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