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Defining areas of acceptance and rejection in hypothesis testing using α = 0.05. A: Two-tailed or nondirectional. B: One-tailed or directional lower.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining areas of acceptance and rejection in hypothesis testing using α = 0.05. A: Two-tailed or nondirectional. B: One-tailed or directional lower."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining areas of acceptance and rejection in hypothesis testing using α = A: Two-tailed or nondirectional. B: One-tailed or directional lower tail. C: One-tailed or directional upper tail. (Data, used with permission, from Dennison BA, Rockwell HL, Baker SL: Excess fruit juice consumption by preschool-aged children is associated with short stature and obesity. Pediatrics 1997;99:15–22. Graphs produced using the Visualizing Continuous Distributions module in Visual Statistics, a program published by McGraw-Hill Companies; used with permission.) Source: Chapter 5. Research Questions About One Group, Basic & Clinical Biostatistics, 4e Citation: Dawson B, Trapp RG. Basic & Clinical Biostatistics, 4e; 2004 Available at: Accessed: October 14, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved

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