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4th Low Emittance Rings Workshop

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1 4th Low Emittance Rings Workshop
LNF September 2014 Wednesday 17 Lunch will be served at the Canteen strictly after 13:30 If you have special requests for the social dinner inform the secretariat during morning coffee-break Group photo will be taken today at 16:00 before coffee-break Frascati map is at BUS timetable is available at the secretariat or at: Visit to DAFNE, please sign at the entrance: I group (max 25) today at 14:20, II group (50) Friday at 16:30 Today we have a Welcome at 18:40 in the Foyer and bus leaves at 19:15 in front of this building

2 4th Low Emittance Rings Workshop
LNF September 2014 Thursday 18 Lunch will be served at the Canteen strictly after 13:30 Workshop dinner: the bus for Cacciani Restaurant at Frascati (see map leaves at 19:30 in front of this building

3 4th Low Emittance Rings Workshop
LNF September 2014 Friday 19 Lunch will be served at the Canteen strictly after 13:30 Visit to DAFNE at 16:30 (II group) The gate nearest to this building will be open from 16:30 to 17:00 to allow a shortcut to Tor Vergata train station

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