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How does Work Experiences fit in the bigger picture…?

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Presentation on theme: "How does Work Experiences fit in the bigger picture…?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does Work Experiences fit in the bigger picture…?
Encounters with employers, with workplaces, with further and higher education Information about local jobs, how the curriculum connects to work A plan tailored to an individual’s needs and supported by guidance Sir John Holman “…young adults surveyed who recalled greater levels of contact with employers whilst at school were significantly less likely to be NEET and earned, on average, 18% more than peers who recalled no such activities.” Dr Anthony Mann

2 Work Experience at ntc- 2016-17
Why is it important? The 10 Points

3 ONE… At number one: young people are more likely to be successful in their job hunt if they have done some good work experience. Fact.

4 Evidence- Over half of the graduate recruiters that took part in a recent research study by the Highfliers study group said that, "graduates who have had no previous work experience at all are unlikely to be successful during the selection process and have little or no chance of receiving a job offer for their organisations’ graduate programmes."

5 TWO… If you haven’t got a clue what career you want to do, work experience is a perfect way to sample all the career options out there. It’s a way of exploring different jobs without actually committing to anything. You can dip your toe in the water without taking the full plunge.

6 THREE… It’s the best way to get a real sense of your chosen industry. You’ll get to speak to employees and ask them questions. You won’t know what it’s like until you get closer to the action.

7 FOUR… Doing work experience shows passion and interest. Evidence that you have done work experience shows the employer that you are motivated to get into a chosen career and that you’ve got focus.

8 FIVE… If you’re floundering about and frankly aren’t that bothered about your career, work experience might just be the kick up the backside you need.

9 SIX… Work experience gently introduces you to the world of work. You get to learn the do’s and don’ts, get work place savvy and learn to navigate your way through the jungle of office politics. Vitally, it’ll give you an idea of the skills you might need to thrive in the workplace.

10 SEVEN… It’ll help you identify your own skills and perhaps even highlight the areas that you might want to work on. it’ll definitely give you a good understanding of your strengths and weakness.

11 EIGHT… You might wow them so much that you’ll manage to wrangle yourself a job!

12 NINE… It’s all about networking. It’ll help you build up contacts and, you never know, they might even give you a heads up about a future job or recommend you to another company.

13 TEN… And yes, work experience does give you something to put on your CV!

14 Monday 16th-Friday 27th January
2 week ‘window’ from which your son can choose a 5 day Work Experience period if they wish* Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27

15 The next steps….(VERY IMPORTANT) After tonight’s meeting please consider the following:
What would be a suitable work experience for your son? What contacts- if any- do you have in this specific line of work?  After this…. The relevant employer will need to be contacted to check the following: They have an ELI (Employer Liability Insurance) document for your son’s age The dates (16th-27th January) are acceptable

16 The NTC Work experience Form

17 Once this is organised, the form needs to be completed with the relevant details. This needs to be returned to Mrs. Setters (Zone 5) by: Thursday 1st December

18 The work Experience Student Diary

19 Guidance- The National Careers Service (since 2012)
Encounters with employers, with workplaces, with further and higher education Information about local careers opportunities, how the curriculum connects to work A plan tailored to an individual’s needs and supported by guidance (Sir John Holman) Encounters with employers or experience of the workplace-Work Experience placement Information about local opportunities and how the curriculum connects to work-NTC Guidance- The National Careers Service (since 2012)

20 What I’ve been asked over the last two days…
My brother is an Plumber. He’s not sure if he has the ELI document. Can I still work with him? Can I work at a shooting range? Can I work with my Parents? Can you get me a placement Mr.Ratcliffe? Can I do Work Ex for more than five days? Can I work with you Mr Ratcliffe- I like History? How much do I get paid? What happens if I don’t get a place?

21 Additional Careers support can be found in the following places:
NTC website- Menu-School Life- Careers Advice and Guidance Ms Gorman, Mrs. Setters & Mr. Ratcliffe The Careers Folder on the school ‘Common Area.’

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