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Homework Assignments:

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1 Homework Assignments:
Look What We’re Learning in Kindergarten Homework for the week of December 12-16, 2016 Special Invitation Our Christmas gift to you! You are invited to our annual Christmas program on Dec. 15 at 2:00 in our classroom. This will be a short musical… maybe only ten minutes long… but it is certainly something you don’t want to miss. Mark your calendar and plan to attend! Skills for the week: Reading: Review sounds taught, /sl/ blend Word Wall Words: are, now, he, she Math: 2D and 3D shapes and positional words Science/Social Studies: Children around the world Big Book: The Wheels on the Bus Focus Poem: “The Chimney” Homework Assignments: Monday: Draw, label and stretch three words that begin with /sl/. Can you write sentences with them? Practice reading your focus poem! Tuesday: Read this story to an adult and draw a picture to illustrate it: Pat sees one cat. The cat has a hat. It can sit on a mat. Wednesday: Please look through your child’s Signed Paper Folder. We will send home work they have done and also important papers for you to read/fill out. Thursday: Illustrate your focus poem and practice reading it for tomorrow. Focus Poem: The Chimney Here is the chimney; Here is the top; Open the lid; Out Santa will pop! Important Dates: Dec. 16 Gingerbread Day Dec. 21- Jan. 5: Christmas Holidays! Jan. 6: Return to school Christmas Party! If possible, please send $5 with your child to help cover the cost of our party, Polar Express hot chocolate and Gingerbread day!

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