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0.24→0.37 mg/kg/week (▲) and 0.37 mg/kg/week ().

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Presentation on theme: "0.24→0.37 mg/kg/week (▲) and 0.37 mg/kg/week ()."— Presentation transcript:

1 0.24→0.37 mg/kg/week (▲) and 0.37 mg/kg/week ().
Final Height population Non-Final Height subgroup 0.24 mg/kg/wk 0.24 mg/kg/wk 0.24  0.37 mg/kg/wk 0.24  0.37 mg/kg/wk 0.37 mg/kg/wk 0.37 mg/kg/wk Mean Heights SDS Year of Study Year of Study Mean height SDS for patients with adult height measurements (Final Height population) and for patients without adult height measurements (Non-Final Height subgroup). The number of patients at each time point is indicated for each dose group (D1: 0.24 mg/kg/week; D2: 0.24→0.37 mg/kg/week; D3: 0.37 mg/kg/week). Symbols are 0.24 mg/kg/week (●), 0.24→0.37 mg/kg/week (▲) and 0.37 mg/kg/week (). Abbildung mod. nach Wit, 2005

2 Final Height Minus Baseline Predicted Height (cm)
GH Dose (mg/kg/week) A B Final Height SDS Final Height Minus Baseline Predicted Height (cm) GH Dose (mg/kg/week) (A) Mean ± SE final height minus baseline predicted height (cm) in the Final Height population for patients in the 0.24 mg/kg/week, 0.24→0.37 mg/kg/week and 0.37 mg/kg/week dose groups who had bone ages old enough for Bayley-Pinneau height prediction. P values are for within-group t test of the null hypothesis that the mean value equals zero. (B) Individual and mean ± SE final height SDS values for patients in the 0.24 mg/kw/week (), 0,24→0.37 mg/kg/week (), and 0.37 mg/kg/week (), dose groups showed that most GH-treated patients for whom final height- measurements were available achieved a normal final height (22.0 to 12.0 SDS). The dotted line represents the lower limit of the normal range. The ranges for final height SDS are shown for each dose group. Prader standards, dependent on age and sex, are available for the conversion of SDS to cm. To convert height SDS at age 18 years to cm, for males, multiply height SDS by 6.7 cm and add cm; for females, multiply height SDS by 5.8 cm and add cm Abbildung mod. nach Wit, 2005

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