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Year 11 Subject Selection – Media Studies

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1 Year 11 Subject Selection – Media Studies

2 Course Description VCE Media has been designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop critical and creative knowledge and skills. The purpose of this unit is to enable students to develop an understanding of the relationship between the media, technology and the representations present in media forms. The unit involves the study of the implications of media technology for the individual and society. Students develop practical and analytical skills, including an understanding of the contribution of codes and conventions to the creation of meaning in media products, the role and significance of selection processes in their construction, and the creative and cultural implications of new media technologies.

3 What we study? Unit 1 Unit 2 Representation (Film Analysis)
Technologies of representation (Two Productions) New Media (Essay) Exams Unit 2 Media Production (Film Production) Media Industry Production (Research Film Study) Australia Media Organisations (Report)

4 Subject pathway…. VCE Media supports students to develop and refine their analytical, critical, creative thinking and expression. Students strengthen their communication skills and technical knowledge. This study is relevant for students who wish to pursue further formal study at tertiary level or in vocational education and training settings. The study provides knowledge and skills in creative thinking, planning, analysis, creative expression and communication valuable for participation in and contribution towards contemporary society

5 Extra activities/costs?
Melbourne Museum Top Designs Exhibition $40

6 More information…. Mr Dean Hamer 03 5152 9988
Mr Bryan Smith

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