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8B Unit2 Travelling Integrated Skills.

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1 8B Unit2 Travelling Integrated Skills

2 学习目标: 1.通过听和读获取有用信息. 2.识别用来描述有代表性的假日活动的关键表达法. 3.能够询问和回答有关旅游地点的信息.

3 Check your preview 1.收集纪念品 2.参观主题公园 3.在秋天去徒步旅行 4.为你查一下 5.计划出国旅行
6.去做帆船运动 7.参观中国园林的最好时候 8.一年到头 9.在任何季节 collect souvenirs visit a theme park go hiking in autumn check for you plan to travel abroad go sailing the best time for visiting Chinese gardens all year round in any season

4 Lian Yungang go hiking see the beautiful view

5 Lion grove Suzhou visit Chinese gardens

6 Lushan Mountain go hiking

7 Qingdao go swimming / sailing

8 Window of the World in Shenzhen
visit the theme park

9 Shopping centers in Shanghai
go shopping

10 Suzhou Lushan Mountain Hiking Sailing Qingdao Qingdao Swimming
Things to do Places to go Millie Daniel Simon Amy Kitty Visiting Chinese gardens Suzhou Lushan Mountain Hiking Sailing Qingdao Qingdao Swimming Window of the world in Shenzhen Visiting a theme park Shopping centers in Shanghai Shopping

11 I want to visit a theme park.
I don’t like hot weather, but I like walking. I love water sports. Millie Simon I want to visit a theme park. I love Chinese gardens. Daniel Amy I love collecting souvenirs. Kitty

12 √ √ √ √ √ √ Suzhou Lushan Mountain Hiking Sailing Qingdao Qingdao
Things to do Places to go Millie Daniel Simon Amy Kitty Visiting Chinese gardens Suzhou Lushan Mountain Hiking Sailing Qingdao Qingdao Swimming Window of the world in Shenzhen Visiting a theme park Shopping centers in Shanghai Shopping

13 Visiting Chinese Gardens
Spring Summer Autumn Winter Visiting Chinese Gardens Hiking Sailing swimming Visiting a theme park Shopping

14 Places to visit in China:
Millie should go ______in Lushan Mountain in ______. There may be some rain but the weather is nice at that time. She can also go there in ________. Daniel should travel to _______. He can visit the theme park there. One of the theme parks he can go to is ____________________. Simon loves water sports. he can go _________and _______ in ________ this_________. Amy loves Chinese gardens very much. She can go to ______. ______is the best time for _______________________. Kitty can visit Shanghai in any season because she loves _______.She can go to the _________________in Shanghai all year round. hiking spring autumn Shenzhen Window of the world swimming sailing Qingdao summer Suzhou Spring visiting Chinese gardens shopping shopping centres

15 Make a dialogue about travelling:
A: Excuse me! Can you give some advice on travelling in China? B: Of course. What do you like? A: I like … B: I think you can go to … A: When is the best time for visiting …? B: In You can go /do… then. A: Thank you. We will go to … . B: Good luck to you.

16 Holiday plan What is Amy’s holiday plan?
She is planning to travel abroad.

17 travel / go abroad Singapore(新加坡)

18 Read and answer: Why has Amy’s father gone there? How is Singapore?
How long does Amy want to stay there? He has gone there for a meeting. It is a nice and clean country. She wants to stay there for 5 days.

19 Speak up: Holiday Plan How will you go there?
Where do you plan to go? How will you go there? How long will you stay there? Who will you go there with? What will you do there? Don’t forget oral English: Really/ What about …? / Do you have any ideas about…? / I really like…

20 Make a similar dialogue about the coming holiday:
A: Do you have any ideas about what to do for May Day holiday? B: Yes. I’m planning to travel. A: Really? Where do you want to go? B: I hope to go to Guangzhou with … during this May Day holiday. A:That’s great. My dad has been to Guangzhou twice. He says it’s a … city. How will you go there? B: Well, I think we’ll take … there. A: How long do you want to stay? B: About … days. By the way, how long does it take to …. Guangzhou? A: Sorry, I don’t know, but I can check it for you. B: That’ll be nice. Thank you very much.

21 What have you leaned?

22 Homework: 1.熟读对话 2.完成《自主检测》同步练习 3.写一篇介绍你的旅游计划的短文

23 Thank you! Bye!

24 Exercises: I. 根据首字母完成句子。 What can we do on the sea? We can go s .
Is he right? Now let’s c the answers together. Where’s he? He’s a He’s in Japan. Have you ever t to Shenzhen? Yes, I have been there. ailing heck broad ravelled

25 春天是游览苏州园林的最好时间。Spring is Chinese gardens in Suzhou.
II. 将下列句子译成英文。 春天是游览苏州园林的最好时间。Spring is Chinese gardens in Suzhou. 你曾经去过新加坡吗?从没有。 you ever Singapore? No, the best time for visiting Have been to never

26 he ever Lushan Mountain. 4. 飞往新加坡要多少时间,请帮我核查一下。
3. 他曾经去庐山旅游过吗? he ever Lushan Mountain. 4. 飞往新加坡要多少时间,请帮我核查一下。 How long does it take Singapore? Please for me. 5. 五一假期你有什么想法?我正计划出国旅行. Do you have any about for May Day holiday? I’m __________________________. Has travelled to to fly to check it ideas what to do planning to travel abroad

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