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Business and Advertising

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1 Business and Advertising

2 What makes a business successful?
Get into groups of 3 Discussion 1: What makes a business successful? Decide what qualities or principles are important for a successful business. Make a list of these qualities in your groups

3 Words used in Business and Advertising
Discussion 2: Read the words. In your group: Decide what they mean Write a definition for each word Discuss how these words are related to business List an other words that you can think of that are important to business or advertising. Management principles Entrepreneur Slogan Logo Revenue Profit Market research Publicity Classified Flyer Full page Advertising Marketing Customer Consumer Target consumer

4 What is the most important part of a successful business?
Advertising Managers Employees Profit Product Consumers

5 Consider this… A man wakes up in the morning after sleeping on an advertised bed in advertised pajamas. He will bathe in an advertised bath, wash with advertised soap, shave with an advertised razor, have a breakfast of advertised juice, cereal and toast which was toasted in an advertised toaster, put on advertised clothes and look at the time on his advertised watch.

6 He will drive to work in an advertised car, sit at an advertised computer, drink his favorite advertised drink and write with his advertised pen. Yet this man hesitates to advertise, saying that advertising does not pay. Finally, when it is too late and his unadvertised business goes broke, he will then advertise it for sale.

7 What do you think of this story?

8 Why is advertising important?

9 What are the different ways to advertise?
In your groups, make a list of the different ways to advertise. When would you use each one? Why? Does each way to advertise have a different purpose? What are the benefits of each of these ways? The disadvantages?

10 What is good advertising?
In your groups you will compare and contrast different advertisements. You will look at 2 different magazine ads. Answer these questions about these advertisements: What can you see in this ad? What is the ad for? How do you know? Is it easy to tell? Is the ad effective? How Does it make you want to buy this product or service?

11 Slogans What is a slogan?
Read the list of slogans. In your groups see if you can name the company that the slogan belongs to.

12 Advertising Language Advertising Slogans Can we interest you in a … ?
All the smart money is going on … This is a very popular item. Perhaps you would like to consider … Keeps you feeling and looking young How could you be without a … ? You’re never too old / young for a … An eye-pleasing item Enjoy the amazing beauty of … Make an impression with … Blends beauty with performance You can’t lose with a … Sure to attract admiring looks You’ll display yours with pride A practical choice

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