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Populations Introduction to Population Dynamics.

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Presentation on theme: "Populations Introduction to Population Dynamics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Populations Introduction to Population Dynamics

2 I. Populations A. What is a population? A group of organisms of the same species that interbreed and live in the same place at the same time. 1. 2.

3 II. Population Growth How are populations affected by resources available in the environment? 1. Resources determine how a given population will grow. B.

4 1.

5 2.

6 3. a. Populations grow when birth rate + immigration rate (# of organisms moving into a population) > death rate + emigration rate (# of organisms moving out of a population)

7 III. Limiting Factors A. 1. Resources, nutrients (matter) and energy in short supply, limit how large a population can grow, therefore resources can be limiting factors.

8 B. 1. Density-dependent limiting factors control population size when a population is large and crowded. a. examples: competition, predation, parasitism and crowding 2. Density-independent limiting factors control population size regardless of whether a population is large or small. a. examples: natural causes such as geothermal activity, extreme weather

9 IV. Carrying Capacity & Population Growth
Carrying Capacity- the number of individuals in a population that can be sustained indefinitely in a given ecosystem. -very difficult number to specify

10 B.

11 C.


13 D. 1.

14 2. C. A. B.

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