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Do now: Text the message @7g9k to the number 81010.

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Presentation on theme: "Do now: Text the message @7g9k to the number 81010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do now: Text the to the number 81010

2 Getting to know you: Take an index card and do the following:
Write down two things that are true about you. Write down one thing that is not true about you.

Unit 1 – Principles of Economics

4 Studying Economics will help us in our
daily lives.

5 So, what is Economics? The dictionary definition of Economics is that Economics is the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. But Economics is much more than that.

6 Here’s a clue: No matter how much
money we have, we always want more. Yes, we always want more.

7 Why do we always want more?
Economists believe in a concept called scarcity. Scarcity is the idea that our resources are limited but our wants and desires are unlimited. Think about it. Twenty dollars can buy many different goods. Is there only one item you want? Or would you like more?

8 We have so many options but we must choose. We cannot have everything.
E. Napp

9 Scarcity To think like an Economist, you must always remember that scarcity exists. You may only have ten dollars in your pocket but you can certainly think of a hundred different ways to spend it.

10 So, how do we choose?

11 Economics Can Help As we study Economics, we begin to understand that we must make choices. We begin to understand that we cannot have everything we need or want. We begin to understand that with every choice, there is a cost.

12 If we choose to live near the ocean, we are more likely to experience
flooding. E. Napp

13 If we surf the waves, we may break
our legs. Even fun activities have their costs.

14 It’s all about making choices and knowing the costs of those choices.
E. Napp

15 Every Choice Has Its Cost
Economists also teach us that every choice we make has its cost. In other words, every time we get something, we give something else up. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

16 Questions for Reflection
Define Economics. Why must people make choices? Define scarcity. Why do our choices cost us? Define cost. Why is Economics a required course for graduation?

17 1. Scarcity forces trade offs
Limited resources force people to make choices and face trade offs when they choose. Opportunity cost – next best option that you give up

18 2. Cost vs. benefits People choose something when the benefits of doing are greater than the costs

19 “There is no such thing as a free lunch”

20 3. Thinking at the margin Most of the decisions made each day involve choices about a little more or a little less of something. What is the extra that you will get? What is the extra that you could lose?

21 4. Incentives matter. Incentives encourage (motivate) people to act in certain ways When incentives change, people’s behavior changes too Economics wants to know the why and how

22 “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”

23 5. Trade makes people better off
By focusing on what we do well and then trading with others, we will end up with more and better choices than by trying to do everything ourselves.

24 6. Markets coordinate trade
Markets usually do better than anyone or anything else at coordinating exchanges between buyers and sellers. If consumers demand it, suppliers will make it!

25 7. Future consequences count.
Decisions made today have future and often unintended consequences Ex. Broken window or Minimum wage

26 Critical Thinking Based on what we have learned, how would you now define Economics?

27 Answer The science that studies the choices of people trying to satisfy their wants in a world of scarcity. A.k.a. – the study of how people use their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited wants.

28 So, why study Economics?

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