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War in Europe Continues

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1 War in Europe Continues
Russia, and Western Europe?

2 Battle of Kursk – July 1943 Following the German defeat at Stalingrad, Hitler needed to re-enforce his army in the southern part of the Soviet Union. Developed new technologies (new tanks and new guns) to be used on the city of Kursk Plan? Use new technologies, defeat the city of Kursk and then circle around behind Stalingrad…..


4 The Battle of Kursk was the largest tank battle in history
2700 German tanks faced 3600 Russian tanks. The Russians also had the best tank of the war, the T-34 [Reliability and best maneuverability] The attack on Kursk failed due to the strength of the Russian tank forces.

5 Russian - T-34

6 German - Panzer

7 German - Tiger

8 American - Sherman



11 Germany Retreats….. Soviets quickly re-gain many of their lost territories (eg. Kiev, Leningrad) By August 1944, the Soviets had removed all German forces from the USSR, and were now pushing the Germans back through Poland. Significance? Hitler had sent over 75% over his army and supplies to Eastern Front – now quickly losing. Russia’s loss: 20 million deaths in 3 years…. Comparison? Britain and USA had a combined 800,000…..

12 Western Europe? Since the USA joined the war in 1941, Stalin had been urging the Allies to open up a Second Front. FDR agrees to work towards a second front IF Stalin promises to attack Japan after Germany’s defeat…. But…Churchill disagrees. Why? Believed successful defeat of Italy would draw soldiers away from France, making an attack on German troops in France easier….

13 Dieppe While the Allies are busy in North Africa, and working towards an invasion of Italy, they do decide to do a test experiment on the French port of Dieppe. The Allies want to test the German defenses along the Atlantic coastline. German had been building “Fortress Europa” using the “Atlantic Wall” – a series of heavily defended positions along the coast. Troops were kept inland in order to respond wherever necessary.




17 Operation Jubilee Plan – Troops go in protected by bombers and tanks Bombers were delayed - supposed to soften German forces Ships delayed - troops ended up landing in the daylight Troops were quickly pushed back Tanks were ineffective on beaches Poor communication between land and sea. More Canadian losses on this day than any other. [907] Allies learn many lessons from this disaster – most important: they need to “soften” Germany before they try a continental invasion.


19 Battle of Berlin Allies realized they needed more time and preparation before launching a full invasion. Decided to launch the Battle of Berlin, also known as Bomber Command A series of attacks by air on major cities throughout Germany by the Royal Air Force of Britain. Resulted in response attacks by the Germans on London. Generally regarded as a failure because the Allies didn’t achieve the amount of predicted success.

20 Operation Overlord Allies have been preparing for all of 1943 and 1944 for a continental attack while hoping progress in Italy will be made quickly (it’s not….) Finally decided on June 6, 1944 as Designation-Day [D-Day] – the day to take back Europe…. Would include: British, American and Canadians Fake attacks throughout France, especially around Calais. Real target: Normandy beaches 2 American – Utah, Omaha 2 British – Gold, Sword 1 Canadian - Juno



23 Operation Overlord The attack would consist of:
A) Land forces arriving by convoy [175,000 troops] B) Consistent air attacks by bombers [10000 troops] C) Artillery attacks from warships [600 ships] D) Airborne soldiers parachuting behind enemy lines The days before…. Purpose: Disrupt communication and transportation




27 Operation Overlord The Allies achieve success during this battle:
Reasons? 1) Slow response by Hitler [believed the attack was fake] 2) Constant air attacks 3) Support from French resistance and Airborne troops – disrupted communications behind enemy lines. 4) Largest “amphibious” invasion in history

28 Operation Overlord By the end of the day?
130,000 troops on continental France….. By the end of the month? 1 million…. The Allies quickly begin pushing Germany back Remember – most troops on the Eastern Front… Within a couple of months Paris had been recovered along with major parts of France. Germany is now surrounded and being quickly defeated…..

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