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Sheep Heart Homework for Dissection

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1 Sheep Heart Homework for Dissection

2 Sheep Heart Dissection Homework over Spring Break
Use the link to read and write steps for the sheep heart dissection. What feature helps to distinguish the front of the heart from the back? The chart below is the features and terms you’ll need to define and the bolded terms are ones that need to be identified on the heart. Know where the arteries supply the blood and where veins bring it from 4. During the dissection you will have to describe blood flow through the heart to the pulmonary circulation and the systematic circulation. You will need to know where arteries take the blood supply too and where veins bring the blood back from. Auricle Pulmonary trunk (artery) aorta Pulmonary vein Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava brachiocephalic Left common carotid Left subclavian chordae tendinae or heart strings Right atrium Left atrium Right ventricle Left ventricle Tricuspid valve Pulmonary valve Aortic valve Mitral valve Septum Papillary muscles Coronary sinus



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