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The Special Olympics powerpoint template

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1 The Special Olympics powerpoint template
Some tips on creating your own template and great presentations.

2 Communication

3 Local Program Communications
Charyl Clark, Director, SO Guilford/Greensboro

4 Communicating with your Program
Late August - COACHES RETREAT (all coaches) Discussion: Uniforms, equipment needs, coaches’ certification updates, all coaches education requirements, quota, budget, training rosters, local invitationals, updates from Leadership conference, SONC tournament/games, advancement of athletes for state events, team captains, transportation, general training steps, policies and procedures 2 weeks prior to State Event - FULL DELEGATION MEETING (coaches, athletes, families, GH managers) First 30 minutes everyone, last 30 minutes just coaches I provide coaches with playbooks that have directions, list of full delegation by sport, housing list, sports schedules, APF’s, incident forms, my business card

5 Program Meeting Agenda
Sports - Any changes to sports that we are doing from SONC Important Dates to Remember- Invitational Dates, Spring Games, State Games, When practice begins for our sports. Give them the location, time and date and who will be coaching!! I try to make sure that the athlete contacts them about practicing. FUNDRAISING- Any fundraising dates and who is available to help with these. Also any ideals for fundraising! Very important to stress that in order to do all the sports that we do WE MUST FUNDRAISE TOGETHER to make these successful!! Remind athletes what is expected from them at any Special Olympic event! I always go over anything that is important from SONC that pertains to us!! I talk to the coaches before the meeting so they are already aware of changes if any to their sport and see what invitational will work for them. End the meeting with a quote that hopefully will stay with them!!! I try not to talk over a hour and give others a chance to discuss any concerns!!

6 Communications Showdown
----- Meeting Notes (7/19/16 14:03) ----- Teams of 4 will come up and sit next to Kristine and I. Each team will have a car flag. The team member with the car flag must answer the question, but their fellow teammates can help them. When they’ve answered the question correctly, they can pass the flag to the next person. Teams will alternate answering questions first, but the original team gets it wrong, the second team may steal. The first team to get the flag through all four people will win!

7 When is the next Global Messenger Training?
August in Morrisville Athletes can still submit applications through August 5. Linked on the SONC updates page!

8 What is wrong with that sign?
Wrong SONC logo Incorrect use of the symbol as a watermark. Correct SONC (and local program) logos come from your Field Services Director if you don’t already have them.

9 What should you do if someone posts something negative on your Facebook page?
Respond to all comments, but move them off of Facebook. Apologize for their negative experience and then ask person to call or you so that you can help them. Don’t delete unless…

10 Name a way to engage a Global Messenger in your local program!
Have them give speeches! Have them serve on your local committee or GMT. Have them attend fundraisers or sponsor events and greet donors. Bring them with you to recruit volunteers!

11 How do you update your local program webpage?
New SONC website that’s mobile-friendly with a larger emphasis on images. Two great volunteers to update all of your webpages for you! Any updates should go directly to your Field Services Director who will then pass them on to Debbi & David.

12 Which is the best logo for uniforms and polos?
A B Alamance County

13 How can you share the power of the Special Olympics movement?
Tell a story!

14 Our symbol tells a story
----- Meeting Notes (7/19/16 13:59) ----- This is James. He has an intellectual disability and is often left out of activities and bullied by his peers. James has a lot to offer his community but doesn't know where he fits in.

15 Reveal ----- Meeting Notes (7/19/16 13:59) -----
But then James finds Special Olympics! He goes to track practice and realizes that he's a very fast runner! James gains confidence in his abilities. He also begins to make friends with his teammates and starts to feel like he fits in for the first time in his life.

16 Reveal ----- Meeting Notes (7/19/16 13:59) -----
A few months later, James is ready to attend his first Special Olympics competition. He's excited to show off his skills and compete against his peers, but he's also a little nervous. What if he disappoints people?!

17 The Champion ----- Meeting Notes (7/19/16 13:59) -----
But James doesn't disappoint people! He does his very best and runs as hard as he can. When he realizes that he's won the gold medal, James is overjoyed! He is so proud!

18 The Champion ----- Meeting Notes (7/19/16 13:59) -----
Through Special Olympics, James has revealed his inner champion-becoming more confident and ready to share his gifts and skills with others. James shares his story with anyone and everyone who will listen.

19 In All of Us ----- Meeting Notes (7/19/16 13:59) -----
As he shares his story, he inspires others to become involved with Special Olympics. He recruits new athletes, coaches and volunteers, building the power of the movement and helping others to reveal their own inner champion.

20 All of Us

21 The Special Olympics powerpoint template
Some tips on creating your own template and great presentations.

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