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Prostatitis pain reliefProstatitis pain relief: effective prostatitis treatment.

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Presentation on theme: "Prostatitis pain reliefProstatitis pain relief: effective prostatitis treatment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prostatitis pain reliefProstatitis pain relief: effective prostatitis treatment

2 Prostatitis often means an infection of the prostate. It may be an inflammation of the prostate tissues. Prostatitis is a common disease for adult men. It can affect adult males of all ages, a higher rate of men aged under 50.

3 According to the National Institutes of Health, prostatitis may account for more than 25% of clinic visits for problems of genital and urinary systems. Although it is not an immediate life- threatening disease, it will seriously affect the patients’ daily life.

4 Three types of prostatitis are commonly seen. The first one is acute bacterial prostatitis. It is a sudden bacterial injection by inflammation of the prostate. Patients with it have acute urinary tract infection with increased urinary frequency and urgency; have to urinate a lot at night. They may easily have fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and burning when urinating.

5 The second type is chronic bacterial prostatitis. It results from urinary tract infections that have entered the prostate gland and is difficult to be diagnosed. The symptoms are similar to acute bacterial prostatitis, but are less severe and can fluctuate in intensity. The last one is chronic nonbacterial prostatitis. It is the most common form of prostatitis, which takes up 90% of this case. Patients have no bacteria in their urine, but there may be inflammation in it.

6 Prostatitis is treatable. Traditional Chinese medicine Dr. Li Xiaoping has summed up a prescription medicine treatment for male urinary and genital system diseases, through three decades of her clinical experience. The Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has a significant effect on prostatitis, and it has got the national patent applications.

7 The Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a traditional Chinese medicine, which has no drug resistance, capable of killing various bacteria, viruses and pathogens. It has the function of clearing away heat and toxic materials, promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, and inducing diuretic for treating strangurtia and so on.

8 Reflected from the clinical practice, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a good curing to get prostatitis pain relief of men. At the same time, patients need to be seriously strict with the diet and will benefit from avoiding spicy foods and caffeinated or acidic drinks. prostatitis pain relief

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