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+ Support for STEM Fair Elementary Science Department.

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2 + Support for STEM Fair Elementary Science Department

3 + How Can You Help? Let your child do the project. Assist them in gathering the materials they need. Assist them in experimentation and/or data collection. Ask them about their project nightly. Be supportive and encourage them to do their best.

4 + Why are STEM Fair Projects so Important? Learning styles Real world application Hands-on Higher order thinking Student interest Student centered Curriculum connections Basis of discovery, understanding, and problem solving skills. STEM related professions are an increasing part of our workforce.

5 + Scientific InquiryEngineering Design Formulate the problemIdentify the need or problem Information gatheringResearch the need of the problem Make hypothesesDevelop possible solutions Plan the solutionSelect the best possible solution Test solutions (perform experiments) Construct a prototype Interpret data, draw conclusionsTest and evaluate the solution Present the resultsCommunicate the solution Develop new hypothesesRedesign Multiple ways to complete the SCIENTIFIC METHOD OR PROCESS!

6 STEM Fair Components 1. Ask a question and state a purpose 2. Research 3. Hypothesis 4. Procedures(materials, variables, step by step directions.) 5. Collect data 6. Create a graph 7. Draw a conclusion STEM Fair Log

7 + Fold your piece of paper to make a small booklet. Label the front cover: My STEM Fair Log The log is the project

8 + STEM Fair Log

9 + Student thinking Observations Student Interests

10 +

11 Sample STEM Fair Log Entry 9/4/2015 My teacher said it is time for STEM fair. I think it would be cool if I could come up with a topic. I kind of have 3 in mind. 9/5/2015 I shared my ideas with my teacher. She loved my idea about experimenting with worms. 9/6/2015 My teacher said I had to have a question that I want to try to answer about worms without harming the worms. I wonder if worms like the dark more than sunny places? I always see worms after it rains. I wonder if worms don’t like being wet? I wonder where I can get worms? 10/8/2015 I have noticed that the slugs are more present after rain in my backyard. I am going to collect data on how many slugs are present after rain instead of worms. 10/12/15 It rained today! I was able to count 5 slugs on my back patio. Specific Dates Keep Everything Include data & observations

12 A good STEM Fair question: Cannot be answered with one word Measurable Investigable Supported with evidence, not an opinion The Purpose: Tells why the investigation is being done. It is written as a statement from the topic question. Example: The purpose of this project is to find out… How to identify a good Question & Purpose

13 Topics to avoid: Anything involving human blood, bacteria, mold, or fungus of any kind. Projects involving weapons: guns, arrows, catapults, knives, explosives, or engine powered rockets. Projects that are harmful to animals. Projects involving any kind of drug, alcohol or tobacco. Project Restrictions Student and animal safety is most important.

14 + Purpose

15 + PURPOSE Clear explanation of the purpose connecting to prior experiences and information about the topic.

16 + Research & Hypothesis Before students begin their project, they need to learn more about the topic. Students will use this information to make their hypothesis. The hypothesis is what students predict will happen when they perform the experiment based on their research. Based on my research, I think… will happen because...

17 + Hypothesis Explained what information was gathered from multiple resources.

18 + Procedure(The Plan) Materials Variables Manipulated (Independent ) What is being changed in the experiment on purpose. (What you are testing) Responding (Dependent)The measurable result of what is being changed in the experiment. (What you are measuring) Held Constant (Control) All the things that are kept the same or controlled during the experiment. Step by Step Directions Direction Activity: How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

19 + Materials

20 + Variables

21 + Procedures

22 Data Chart or a Table 5 or more trials Graphs Graphs are an organized way to display the data collected during the experiment Data & Graphs BRAND NAME Trial 1 (ml) Trial 2 (ml) Trial 3 (ml) Trial 4 (m) Trial 5 (ml) Bounty 23423 Super 32131 All Natural 33323 Clean Sweep 42344

23 + Data Collection

24 +

25 +

26 +

27 + Graph

28 + Conclusion The analysis of the data as it relates to the original hypothesis. It should: Reference their Hypothesis Be Data Focused Be Comparative Be Reflective Have Implications

29 + Conclusion My hypothesis was supported, the parabola oven did show higher temperatures than the pizza box oven. I think this is because the parabola oven was open and the pizza box oven was closed. The parabola oven had more reflecting material than the pizza box oven. Collecting data was tough because, it was extremely windy outside and the ovens would not stay in place, therefore I had to tape them down. It was a partly cloudy day when I started the trials, during the fourth trial the sun stayed out longer creating higher temperatures for both ovens. During trial five a gust of wind blew the top off the pizza box oven, so I added two additional minutes to the time for both ovens. This project could be useful to campers, survivalists, during natural disasters, and to kids that are not allowed to use the kitchen oven. Food can be cooked if left in the sun long enough in order to survive, not use electricity, or not cause danger. If people started using Solar Energy Powered Ovens to cook, the energy crisis of the world would get better because the sun is a natural, renewable resource. This projected is an extension of my project last year, solar cars. I know that living in Florida we have a lot of sunny days and using this energy would help our environment. The next time I do this project I would use a Parabola oven and keeping it outside for a longer period of time.

30 +

31 + Judging Criteria Is the scientific method / engineering design process evident? Does the STEM Fair Log include a chronology and anecdotal notes of the project? Is data communicated correctly and clearly? Did the student effectively communicate his/her project findings to the judges?

32 Data Materials Research Paper Optional Data Logbook My Title Purpose Hypothesis Procedure: Variables Step-by-Step Directions Graph Conclusion Results

33 + How Can You Help? Let your students do the project. Assist them in gathering the materials they need. Assist them in experimentation and/or data collection. Ask them about their project nightly. Be supportive and encourage them to do their best.

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