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“Landscape in Music, Art and Literature". Outline: to learn the meaning of the word “landscape” Landscape in Music Landscape in Art Landscape in Literature.

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Presentation on theme: "“Landscape in Music, Art and Literature". Outline: to learn the meaning of the word “landscape” Landscape in Music Landscape in Art Landscape in Literature."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Landscape in Music, Art and Literature"

2 Outline: to learn the meaning of the word “landscape” Landscape in Music Landscape in Art Landscape in Literature

3 Landscapes - Landscapes are works of art that feature scenes of nature: mountains, lakes, gardens, rivers, etc. They can be oil paintings, watercolors, gauche, pastels, or prints of any kind.

4 landschap Derived from the Dutch word landschap, landscape can also refer to: cityscapes cityscapes - views of an urban setting seascapes seascapes - views of the ocean waterscapes waterscapes - views primarily featuring fresh water

5 Landscape Landscape in Art, Music and Literature is a cultural image, a pictorial way of representing, structuring or symbolizing surroundings. (by Dennis Cosgrove and Stephen Daniels)

6 Composers, artists and poets perceiveappreciate represent perceive, appreciate and represent landscapes in contrasting manners (the works on the Antarctic by Ralph Vaughan Williams and Peter Maxwell Davies )

7 A geographer might describe a scene prior to analyzing it, so might a composer write about such a scene but with special consideration of changing colors as the day proceeds.






13 Landscape in Music: At all times nature attracts and inspires composers and musicians. They hear sounds, timbers and tones in birds’ singing, gentle brook’s murmuring, noise of thunderstorms and the wind’s blowing

14 ., Антонио Вивальди (1678–1741)

15 Петр Ильич Чайковский (1840 – 1893)

16 Antonio Vivaldi “Storm” Vanessa Mae “Storm”

17 What ambience is created by these pieces of art? What is happening there? Choose verbs, nouns, and adjectives characterizing the atmosphere! What musical instruments can you here? What colours do you choose to depict the scene to this piece of art?


19 Landscape in Art: As a kind of art it reflects the interest of an artist to nature and the ways to depict it. In the ancient time landscape paintings were not widespread. In the first place there were cave paintings, then in the Middle Ages - religious paintings depicting legends and myths, where landscape used to be only background for those paintings.

20 Landscape in Art: In the Renaissance period artists began to choose themes to paint by themselves. In that period there appeared a new movement of reflecting the beauty of nature.

21 Since that landscape was the theme of lots of paintings allowing to use the perspective and to try different technics, mixture of colours to make any picture realistic.

22 Shishkin I.I. – a Russian landscape painter closely associated with the Peredvizhniki move ment.Peredvizhniki



25 Isaac Iliich Levitan was a classical Russian landscape painter who advanced the genre of the "mood landscape".

26 И. И. Левитан” Март”

27 И. Левитан «Весна. Большая вода» Бушует полая вода, Шумит и глухо и протяжно. Грачей пролетные стада Кричат и весело и важно. Дымятся черные бугры, И утром в воздухе нагретом Густые белые пары Напоены теплом и светом. А в полдень лужи под окном Так разливаются и блещут, Что ярким солнечным пятном По залу «зайчики» трепещут. Меж круглых рыхлых облаков Невинно небо голубеет, И солнце ласковое греет В затишье гумен и дворов. Весна, весна! И все ей радо. Как в забытьи каком стоишь И слышишь свежий запах сада И теплый запах талых крыш. Кругом вода журчит, сверкает, Крик петухов звучит порой, А ветер, мягкий и сырой, Глаза тихонько закрывает.

28 Landscape in Literature is one of the most important expressive means to create the virtual literary space and time. Practically, each work of fiction comprises scenes of landscape, because landscape can precisely express the inner world either of personages or a writer themselves.





33 Try to see, hear and create beauty. Hometask: Создайте пейзаж настроения. Определите жанр своего высказывания, соотнеся его с музыкальным произведением.


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