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Presentation on theme: "ABCVO."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 ABCVO

2 What are the three undefined terms in geometry?

3 Points Lines Planes

4 How is a point named?

5 Capital Printed Letter

6 A line is named with how many points?

7 2

8 Does the order matter when naming a line?

9 No

10 What are two ways in which a plane is named?

11 Capital script letter OR 3 or more noncollinear points

12 What kind of letter do you use to name a line?

13 Lowercase script letter

14 Which two points are used when naming a segment?

15 Endpoints

16 Which two points are used when naming a ray?

17 Endpoint and any other point on the ray

18 Does the order matter when naming a ray? Explain

19 Yes, endpoint must be first

20 The intersection of a plane and a line on the plane

21 Line

22 Two lines that are noncoplanar and do not intersect

23 Skew lines

24 When two planes intersect, where do they intersect?

25 Line

26 Points that lie on the same plane

27 Coplanar

28 Two collinear rays that have a common endpoint

29 Opposite rays

30 Through any two points, there is exactly one

31 Line

32 An accepted statement of fact is a(n)

33 Postulate OR Axiom

34 Two lines that are coplanar and do not intersect

35 Parallel lines

36 Figures that are the same size, same shape and same measure

37 Congruent

38 Through any three noncollinear points there is exactly one

39 Plane

40 A point that divides a segment into two congruent segments

41 Midpoint

42 The intersection of a plane and a line passing through the plane

43 Point

44 Two lines that are coplanar and intersect to form a right angle

45 Perpendicular

46 The process of reasoning based on patterns you observe

47 Inductive reasoning

48 The conclusion you make to a specific situation

49 Conjecture

50 When two lines intersect, they intersect where?

51 Point

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