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During and following the Revolutionary War ( ), a need arose to organize and govern the people. Most literature was in the form of pamphlets.

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Presentation on theme: "During and following the Revolutionary War ( ), a need arose to organize and govern the people. Most literature was in the form of pamphlets."— Presentation transcript:


2 During and following the Revolutionary War (1775- 1783), a need arose to organize and govern the people. Most literature was in the form of pamphlets and speeches which were designed to persuade citizens to take action against an unfair king of England.

3 By 1750-had 4 th and 5 th generations of Europeans Satisfied with status They had power over money; colonial assemblies locally elected; experienced in art of self- government

4 People arrived at truth by using reason rather than authority of the past, religion, or an institution.

5 . The rationalist thinkers were Deists. Deism was a religious outlook shared by many 18 th Century founders of our nation

6 Deists believed that God created the universe but does not interfere in its workings.

7 They also believed that people are basically good and perfectible.

8 According to the Deists, the world operates by God’s rules, and through the use of reason, we can discover these rules.

9 Furthermore, since God wants people to be happy, they worship God best by helping other people.

10 Little interest in hereafter Spoke of a social contract that formed basis of government Also time frame known as Enlightenment Values reason over faith Reason and science further human progress

11 Enlightenment In the 1770s, there was a burst of intellectual energy taking place in Europe that came to be know as the Enlightenment. Enlightenment thinkers had begun to question previously accepted truths about who should hold the power in government. Their thinking pointed the way to a government by the people-one in which people consent to government limitations in exchange for the government’s protection of their basic rights and liberties.

12 Stamp Act 1765 (10 yr war between Fr. And Eng. For control of N. Amer) Tax to pay for war-Result was anger Townshend Act 1767-paper, glass, lead, tea

13 Boycott of products-Britain dissolved Mass. Legislature and sent regiments in 1770 and fired into mobs (Boston Massacre) Repealed then passed Coercive Acts-known as Intolerable Acts

14 1775 General Thomas Gage sent 700 troops to Lexington and Concord for “shot heard round the world”


16 Founded first public library Known as a scientist and inventor Owned print shop and published of The Pennsylvania Gazette and Poor Richard’s Almanac Known for his wit and charm

17 Elected to Virginia House of Burgesses Chosen to draft Declaration of Independence Served as 3 rd American President Outlined public school system

18 Elected to Virginia House of Burgesses Declared opposition to Stamp Act Skilled public speaker – known for “Give me liberty or give me death!”

19 Most effective political writer of the American Revolution Published Common Sense which sold more than 500,000 copies in three months

20 Enslaved African woman Stolen from Africa about seven or eight Owned by the Wheatley family who taught her to read and write Published first poem at thirteen

21 Some personal-poetry and letters Majority-pamphlets, speeches and other documents advocating break with England 50 newspapers/40 magazines

22 Broadsides (single sheet of paper printed on one or both sides dealing with a current topic)

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