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Communication in the Workplace. What is Communication?  Communication is the process of exchanging messages between a sender and receiver.  In order.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication in the Workplace. What is Communication?  Communication is the process of exchanging messages between a sender and receiver.  In order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication in the Workplace

2 What is Communication?  Communication is the process of exchanging messages between a sender and receiver.  In order to have communication skills, you must be able to:  Listen  Read  Speak  Write

3 Channels vs. Media  Channels are the avenues through which messages are delivered.  Ex.) Face-to-face conversations, telephone calls, written memos, letters, reports, and e-mail.  Media differs from channels in terms of how much content they can carry, the speed in which the message is delivered, cost, accuracy, & quality of content.  Ex.) Television, radio, print media, & the Internet.

4 Is Your Message is Clear?  Feedback is a receiver’s response to a message.  It allows participants to clarify the message and make sure that all parties gave the message the same meaning.  Ex.) Class activity!

5 Barriers to Communication…  Are obstacles that interfere with the understanding of a message.  Ex.) What do you call a carbonated, sugary beverage that comes in cans or bottles?  Soda, pop, soda pop.  Therefore, marketing professionals need to make sure the language they are using is appropriate and understood by their target audience.

6 One of the factors that need to be taken into account when considering communication is ability of the human brain to create meaning where, perhaps, none exists. Sometimes this is a block to communication, but it can also be a great benefit…  Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a ttoal mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

7 Does it Matter Where You Are?  Setting is the circumstance under which communication takes place; they include:  Place  Time  Sights  Sounds  Setting can help or hinder the ability to exchange messages.  Ex.) Class activity!

8 Speaking  People use speech in marketing for:  Customer relations  Presenting marketing plans  Advertising

9 General Rules for Effective Speaking: 1. Show respect o In most business situations, the most important rule is to show courtesy and respect for others. 2. Know the purpose o Inform: be clear, concise, and to the point. o Persuade: convince a person to change a perception in order to get them to do what you want. o Entertain: helps create a comfortable atmosphere, build friendships, and improve customer relations. 3. Use your voice & nonverbal cues o Good tone and pace. o Use of body language and eye contact.

10 Speaking Formally…  A good speech begins with an opening statement, and ends with a concluding statement.  In between, 4 basic patterns can be used to structure the message: 1. Enumeration: listing items in order. (first, second, third) 2. Generalization: statements that is accepted as true by most people. Support with evidence. (for example) 3. Cause & Effect: Demonstrate that one event is the cause of another. (therefore, consequently, as a result) 4. Compare & Contrast: new concepts are explained by showing how they are similar or unlike those listeners already know. (similarly, however, nevertheless, on the other hand)

11 Listening in Business *Listening, like all skills, MUST be learned!

12 Listening Techniques 1. Identify the purpose 2. Look for a plan 3. Give feedback 4. Search for a common interest 5. Evaluate the message 6. Listen for more than verbal content 7. Listen for a conclusion 8. Take notes

13 Barriers to Listening for Understanding 1. Distractions: things that compete with the message for the listener’s attention.  Noises  Conversations  Competing thoughts 2. Emotional Barriers: biases against the sender’s opinions that prevent the listener from understanding. 3. Planning a Response: occurs when a receiver of the message stops listening and instead begins to think about what to say next.

14 Apprentice Clip  Job Interview 101 Job Interview 101  Task: 1. How did this clip display the importance of listening? 2. What happened to the interviewees as a result of their poor listening? 3. What barriers to listening were being presented in this clip?

15 Reading in Business

16 Techniques for Effective Reading  Reading skills are essential on any job; in fact, they are usually needed to get a job in the first place. 1. Know your purpose of your reading:  It is helpful when reading to look for a plan, search for an interest, and evaluate the message. 2. Read for meaning:  Focus your mind  Summarize as you read  Make connections  Form mental pictures  Beware of jargon  Subliminal Messages in Top Company Logo's Subliminal Messages in Top Company Logo's

17 Writing  People in marketing use writing for:  SWOT Analysis  Marketing Plans  Packaging  Advertising

18 When Writing… 1. Know your audience 2. Know your purpose 3. Know your subject  Writing style differs from industry to industry, therefore it is important to:  Use Language Effectively: translate your ideas and feelings into language that makes sense to reader.  Organize Your Thoughts: construct your message in 3 parts- an opening paragraph, persuasive body, and concluding paragraph.

19 Activity Time!!! o With Thanksgiving now behind us, we are full swing into the holiday season! o That being said…and using your powers of persuasion and creative writing, you and your partner(s) are to write AND perform a musical jingle for the product you “pitched” to the class. o In order to receive credit for this activity, the jingle MUST be at least 1 minute in length! ALL groups will perform their jingle in front of the class. o Good Luck! Good Luck!

20 Holiday Ads  Jingle Hoops Jingle Hoops  Joe Boxer Holiday Ad Joe Boxer Holiday Ad

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