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Deutsche Aussprache Diphthongs, Vowels, Consonants, and Consonant Clusters.

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Presentation on theme: "Deutsche Aussprache Diphthongs, Vowels, Consonants, and Consonant Clusters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deutsche Aussprache Diphthongs, Vowels, Consonants, and Consonant Clusters

2 au “ow” der Bauch

3 äu oi die Bäuche

4 eu oi die Eule

5 ei like ‘eye’ der Wein

6 ie ee Wien

7 ch after front vowels is pronounced like ch in ‘ich’ pünktlich gleich euch frech

8 ch after back vowels is pronounced like ch in ‘auch’ Bach der Bauch doch

9 ‘voiced’ consonant at end of word is made ‘voiceless’ der Tag der Tod

10 h after vowels lengthens the vowels der Stuhl der Stahl

11 singular consonant after vowels lengthens the vowels Spanien

12 β after vowels lengthen the vowels der Fuβ aβ

13 consonant clusters after vowels shorten the vowels die Tasche der Frosch

14 sch sh die Schule

15 s in st & sp sh stoppen Spanien

16 s before vowels zz die Sofa super die Universität

17 r before vowels rrrrr das Radio die Frau rechts gerade

18 r after vowels “Uh..” der das Bier mehr morgen

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