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The Basis of Cellular Inheritance 10.2 and Vocabulary Clarification.

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Presentation on theme: "The Basis of Cellular Inheritance 10.2 and Vocabulary Clarification."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Basis of Cellular Inheritance 10.2 and 10.3

2 Vocabulary Clarification

3 Human Karyotype XX = Female XY = Male Homologous Chromosomes: Carry the same genetic info; one copy from Mom and one copy from Dad.

4 Diploid vs. Haploid Diploid cells (2n) have 2 sets of chromosomes (almost all cells in the human body) Haploid cells (n) have one set of chromosomes (gametes or sex cells)

5 The Cell Cycle


7 Phases of Mitosis: PROPHASE

8 Phases of Mitosis: METAPHASE

9 Phases of Mitosis: ANAPHASE

10 Phases of Mitosis: TELOPHASE

11 Regulating The Cell Cycle Cells complete the cell cycle at different paces; some cells don’t divide (ex: neurons, cardiac muscle) Special proteins (called cyclins) direct the sequence of events and serve as “checkpoints” When this “control system” malfunctions, cells reproduce at the wrong time

12 Tumors and Cancer Cancer is a disorder in which some of the body’s cells lose the ability to control growth. As a result, cells divide uncontrollably and form masses of cells called tumors (can be benign or malignant). Sometimes cancer cells break away from the tumor and spread from their site of origin (metastasis). Combating cancer requires a deep understanding of the cell cycle.

13 Cancer Treatment SURGERY Remove tumor from tissue RADIATION Expose dividing tumor cells to high-energy radiation to disrupt division CHEMOTHERAPY Use antimitotic drugs to prevent spindle formation or function SIDE EFFECTS Damage reproductive cell development (sterility) Damage intestinal cells (nausea) Damage hair follicle cells (hair loss)

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