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National income. According to Alfred Marshall " National income is labor and capital of a country which process natural resources to produce a number.

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Presentation on theme: "National income. According to Alfred Marshall " National income is labor and capital of a country which process natural resources to produce a number."— Presentation transcript:

1 National income

2 According to Alfred Marshall " National income is labor and capital of a country which process natural resources to produce a number of ' net ' of commodities, both material and immaterial, including services and the like " Definition of National Income According to Arthur Cecil Pigou " National income is part of the objective income communities, including income derived from abroad that can be measured in money " According to Irving Fisher " Essential national income is net direct consumption that year "

3 GNP GDP NNP NNI PI PDRB Concepts Related to National Income 1.Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) is the total value of final goods and services produced by an economy in a given period is calculated based on market value. In Indonesia, GDP is calculated from two sides, namely the sectoral approach and the use of 2.Gross National Product ( GNP ) is the sum of the gross national product net income to overseas 3.Net National Product ( NNP ) derived from gross national product less depreciation and replacement of capital goods.

4 4.Net National Income ( NNI ) is the net national product minus indirect taxes plus subsidies Individual income ( PI ) is the sum of all revenues are actually up in the hands of the publicPendapatan Disposable personal income is net of income tax 5.Gross Domestic Product is the total gross value added were successfully created by all economic activities that are in the region during a specific time period

5 1.To determine the structure of the economy of a country, whether agricultural, industrial, or other. 2.To determine the economic progress or economic development from year to year, whether the progress, setbacks, or fixed. 3.To determine the level of prosperity of society when compared with the total population, which is about the per capita income. 4.To compare between countries in the world economy. 5.As a guideline for the government to adopt policies relating to national economic development planning. 6.To determine the use of public revenue. As a guideline for implementing development. Benefits National Income Sektor pariwisata ikut menyumbang pendapatan nasional

6 The Income Approach Compensation for workers corporate profits Operating revenues rental income net interest Components of National Income

7 Spending Approach Household consumption expenditure investment spending Savings government spending net exports

8 Income approach NI = Yw + Yr + Yi + Yp Dimana NI= Pendapatann nasional Yw= Pendapatan dari upah, gaji, dan pendapatan lainnya sebelum pajak Yr= pendapatan bersih dari sewa Yi= pendapatan dari bunga Yp= pendapatan dari keuntungan perusahaan dan usaha perorangan National Income Calculation Methods

9 Expenditure Approach National income is obtained by adding the market value of all final demand on the output produced in the economy as measured at current market prices Y = C + I + G + (X – M) Y = C + S + G + (X – M) Dimana Y = pendapatan nasional C= nilai pasar pengeluaran konsumsi rumah tangga I= nilai pasar pengeluaran investasi barang modal S= nilai pasar tabungan rumah tangga, pemerintah, perusahaan G= nilai pasar pengeluaran pemerintah X= nilai pasar barang/jasa yang diekspor M= nilai pasar barang/jasa yang diimpor

10 Income per capita

11 High- low per capita income is affected by the GDP and population.

12 Comparison of Per Capita Income World Bank divided the countries into four groups - Low-income countries ( per capita income < $ 1,035 ) - Lower middle income countries ( per capita income of $ 1036- $ 4085 ) - High- middle income countries ( per capita income $ 4085- $ 12,615 ) - High-income countries ( per capita income > 12616 )

13 Dapat Juga Diakses : PlayStore: econosmart Web:

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