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Spring Forum 2016 Mrs Fairnington Year 3. Introduction Literacy Numeracy Science Topic Feedback.

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1 Spring Forum 2016 Mrs Fairnington Year 3

2 Introduction Literacy Numeracy Science Topic Feedback

3 Literacy – Pie Corbett  Use techniques used by authors to create characters, settings and plots.  Use alliteration effectively.  Use connectives that signal time, shift attention, inject suspense and shift the setting.  Organise paragraphs around a theme.  Sequence paragraphs.  Write sentences that include: conjunctions, adverbs, direct speech, clauses, adverbial phrases and are punctuated correctly.  Non-fiction (instructions, recounts).

4 Literacy – Spellings RWI Spelling Scheme Apply a growing knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes  Children are grouped by ability and taught spelling patterns and rules each day for 20 minutes.  Children record personal spelling difficulties in their spelling log book in order to learn at home.  Assessment is on going to track the progress of individual children.  Weekly Spellings  300 High Frequency Words  Year 3 spelling lists from curriculum  Tested individually each week

5 Literacy - Reading Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence. Predict what might happen from details stated and implied. Recall and summarise main ideas. Guided Reading Books sent home so children can familiarise themselves with the book. Guided reading session each day so they must bring the book every day. An adult will change it when it has been fully read and discussed in school.

6 Numeracy – Measurement: weight (g, kg); capacity (ml, l); length (mm, cm, m); time (telling the time, reading timetables, 12 hour and 24 hour clock. Fractions: Finding single fractions of shapes and numbers; finding multiple fractions of shapes and numbers; word problems. Statistics: data collection, bar charts, line graphs, word problems. 4 rules of number: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, word problems. Mastery in maths: all children acquire a deep understanding of the maths they are learning. This is achieved by carrying out maths tasks that challenge the children to think ‘outside the box’ and deepen their knowledge of maths. The new curriculum is a Mastery Curriculum.

7 Science Forces and Magnets  Push and Pull  Observe how magnets attract and repel  Identify magnetic materials  Predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing.  Investigate the strength of magnets.

8 Topic Victorians  Queen Victoria  Adult life  Children  Inventions  Doctor Barnardo’s

9 Art – Learn to draw Make different types of mark and understand the five basic elements of shape. To learn about tone and shading. I can follow instructions and use a picture to make a copy of a drawing. To learn how to draw 3D shapes Understand that the way lines and marks are used helps to create shape and form.

10 P.E. Music Apparatus Swimming Continuing to play the Samba drums Learning about rhythm and beat.

11 Feedback Blue, Pink and Green We teach the children that mistakes are an important part of learning! It’s OK to make mistakes and they help you learn. If there are pinks in their Learning Logs they need to take action on them.

12 Things to help you child It is still very important to hear your child read aloud at home. It is also helpful if you ask them questions about what they have read. Spellings: when working with your child put the spelling word into a sentence so that they learn the meaning of the word as well as how to spell it. Mathletics School 360 Learning Log P.E. Equipment

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