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Ming Dynasty Simulation. You are going to advise the Emperor on the many problems that were facing the Ming Dynasty in the early years. We will compare.

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Presentation on theme: "Ming Dynasty Simulation. You are going to advise the Emperor on the many problems that were facing the Ming Dynasty in the early years. We will compare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ming Dynasty Simulation

2 You are going to advise the Emperor on the many problems that were facing the Ming Dynasty in the early years. We will compare you decision to the real decisions that were made at the time period We will analyze any differences in our decision to their decision

3 Chinese Bureaucracy The Emperor Grand Secretariat PersonnelRevenueRitesWarJusticePublic Works Censorate

4 Point of View When you will be simulating Ming Officials Here are some things that you need to remember You have a point of view (Use your knowledge of Geography to help shape your POV) You will have to be convincing (think through your answers thoroughly) Be Prepared (If you act confident you will be perceived as being confident and prepared) You want to influence to the Emperor to benefit you You need to understand the Emperor’s base of power (Some people have more influence over him than others) You need to understand the Emperor’s likes and dislikes (so that you can influence him more effectively)

5 Emblems










15 Ming Dynasty Simulation Legalism or Confucianism? Move the Capital from Nanjing to Beijing? Barbarian tribes are raiding and attacking Chinese settlements What do we do with the Kingdom of Annom in the South? Japanese and Korean pirates are raiding and harassing our merchant ships in the East and South China Seas

16 Ming Dynasty Simulation Issue #1 – What philosophy of government should we use in setting up our legal system? –Legalism – Setting strict rules and punishments –Confucianism – Ruling through virtue and setting an example of virtuous behavior and winning the hearts of the people

17 Ming Dynasty Simulation Discussion Questions Confucian or Legal Based Government –What makes a good Confucian administrator? –What makes a good Legalist Administrator? Crime and Punishment –What punishments should we have for the following crimes? Cheating on Civil Service Exams Stealing Murder

18 Ming Dynasty Simulation

19 Issue #2 – Should we move the Capital from Beijing to Nanjing? –Why would the Emperor want to do this? –Who benefits from this move? –Who doesn’t benefit from this move? –How do we get the materials to build a new palace/city? –How are we going to pay for this?

20 Ming Dynasty Simulation Possible Solutions –Keep the Capital in Nanjing What are the Benefits? What are the Drawbacks? –Move the Capital to Beijing What are the Benefits? What are the Drawbacks? Who benefits from a change in Capital? Who doesn’t benefit from a change in Capital?

21 Ming Dynasty Simulation They moved the Capital from Nanjing to Beijing –Emperor’s power base was in the North –Gave the Ming of a focus on dealing with the Barbarian tribes in the North


23 Ming Dynasty Simulation Issue #3 – Barbarian tribes in the North are raiding and attacking Chinese settlements and threatening Beijing –Is this a problem? –How do you stop them? Military might? Diplomatic efforts? Economic incentives?

24 Ming Dynasty Simulation Possible Solutions –Build up the Army and the Great Wall to stop the tribes What are the Benefits? What are the Drawbacks? –Use diplomatic efforts to stop the tribes What are the Benefits? What are the Drawbacks? –Use economic incentives to stop the tribes What are the Benefits? What are the Drawbacks?

25 Ming Dynasty Simulation The Ming used a combination of the solutions –They built up the Army and refurbished the Great Wall –They spent more money on the army and started to focus more on protecting the Northern supporters of the Emperor’s rule



28 Ming Dynasty Simulation Issue #4 – Should we invade the Kingdom of Annom –Is this a problem? –Who benefits from this move? –Who doesn’t benefit from this move? –How are we going to pay for this?

29 Ming Dynasty Simulation Possible Solutions –Don’t invade –Threaten them and see if they give us tribute –Trade with them to get their natural resources –Invade them and control their natural resources

30 Ming Dynasty Simulation The Ming invaded the Kingdom of Annom –They used the raw materials to build many civil projects in China like the Great Wall, Forbidden City, and Temple of Heaven. –They gained more tax income from a newly conquered area –They spread the power and influence of the Ming Court


32 Ming Dynasty Simulation Issue #5 – Japanese and Korean pirates are harassing our merchant ships in the East and South China Seas –Is this a issue? –How do you stop pirates? –How do you pay for it? –Who benefits from this? –Who doesn’t benefit from this?

33 Ming Dynasty Simulation Possible Solutions –Don’t do anything –Give merchants weapons to fortify their ships –Build up your Navy and have them patrol the East and South China Seas –Refurbish and extend the Grand Canal and divert merchant traffic to the North

34 Ming Dynasty Simulation The Ming Decided to refurbish and extend the Grand Canal –They decided that they could protect the shipments north better this way –They also increased tax revenue buy taxing the canal –Used the supplies from the South to develop the North more



37 Ming Dynasty Simulation Issue #6 – Admiral ZhengHe has proposed a voyage to many places in the known world to spread the influence of the Ming Court –Should we do this? –How do you pay for it? –Who benefits from this? –Who doesn’t benefit from this?


39 Ming Dynasty Simulation Possible Solutions –Don’t fund the voyages –Fund the voyages

40 Ming Dynasty Simulation The Ming decided to fund the voyages –ZhengHe went on 6 voyages and a seventh was carried out under his name –They traveled to Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Burma, India, Iran, Middle East, and East Africa collecting tribute and spreading the influence of China –Collected many items and ideas from around the world and brought them back to China


42 Do we continue to fund the voyages? Benefits –Who? –What benefits does the kingdoms receive? –Positive effects for the economy Drawbacks –Who? –How drawbacks are there for the kingdom? –Negative effects for the economy


44 Who is making the Decision? Emperor Xuanzong (Zhu Zhanyi) Age 35 in 1433 Patron of the Arts Power base is in the North of China Loves Painting, Poetry, and Calligraphy

45 Emperor Xuanzong

46 What decision was made? Emperor Xuanzong chose to end the voyages –They were too expensive –Ming China didn’t appreciate what they brought home –Land wars were seen as being more important –Confucian Influence lead to a more inward looking culture –Cultural Superiority - Chinese products are superior and anything from another culture will influence the culture in a negative way –Power base of Emperor was in the North so these people and their needs held more importance to the Emperor than of those needs of people in the South

47 Dynastic Cycle Founding of the Dynasty Leaders are seen as having the Mandate from Heaven. The gods were in favor of you ruling China. Rule was effective and met the needs of the people. Decline and Corruption Leaders are seen as being ineffective and out of touch with the people. There is a lot of corruption. Rulers are more concerned with luxury than leading the kingdom. Golden Age After years of stability the kingdom if flourishing and reaching new levels of achievement and prosperity. Rebellion After years of corruption and the rulers are seen as having lost the Mandate of Heaven and the people rebel and try to establish a new dynasty.

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