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今天吃什么?jīn tiān chī shén me ?

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1 今天吃什么?jīn tiān chī shén me ?
ALL About Food (fàn )

2 早饭 早上zǎo shàng 早上好zǎo shàng hǎo 早饭zǎo fàn
Morning  Good Morning  Breakfast 早上zǎo shàng 早上好zǎo shàng hǎo 早饭zǎo fàn miàn bāo miàn bāo quān jī dàn mài piàn tián tián quān kā fēi chá niú nǎi guǒ zhī

3 吃什么?chī shén me 为什么?wèi shén me
你早饭得吃什么? nǐ zǎo fàn dei chī shén me ? 你早饭想要吃什么? nǐ zǎo fàn xiǎng yào chī shén me? jī dàn hé niú nǎi huá fú bǐng hé píng guǒ zhī 你早饭最喜欢吃什么? nǐ zǎo fàn zuì xǐ huān chī shén me ? 你早饭喜欢吃什么? nǐ zǎo fàn xǐ huān chī shén me ? 为什么?wèi shén me hǎo chī / hǎo hē (only for drinks) : tasty tián : sweet xiāng : yummy jiàn kāng: healthy hěn

4 Measure/ Count words for food (fàn)
The most common measure word is 个 “ge”. zhōng wén méi yǒu plural so wǒ men dei shuō shù zì (number) hé measure words to present plural idea. one egg: yī gè jī dàn three donuts: sān gè tián tián quān a loaf/ piece of yī piàn a bowl of yī wǎn a cup of yī bēi The most different number is 两 (liǎng)instead of 二 (èr)when we have measure word in a sentence. two bagels: two bowls of cereals: twelve cups of coffee: twenty eggs:

5 Adjective words hěn hǎo chī de jī dàn = jī dàn hěn hǎo chī  jī dàn bù hǎo chī hěn hǎo hē de bīng chá = bīng chá hěn hǎo hē bù hǎo hē de bīng chá = bīng chá bù hǎo hē hěn piāo liàng de miàn bāo quān = miàn bāo quān hěn piāo liàng bù piāo liàng de miàn bāo quān = miàn bāo quān bù piāo liàng hěn rè de niú nǎi = niú nǎi hěn rè = niú nǎi rè sǐ le hěn lěng de kā fēi = kā fēi hěn lěng = kā fēi lěng sǐ le hěn guì de tián tián quān = tián tián quān hěn guì bù guì de tián tián quān = tián tián quān bù guì lǜ sè de píng guǒ zhī = píng guǒ zhī shì lǜ sè de píng guǒ zhī bù shì lǜ sè de

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