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Anti-Bullying Week. Your paper…  What words can you give to describe your paper?  Think of the size, shape, texture, and quality.

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Presentation on theme: "Anti-Bullying Week. Your paper…  What words can you give to describe your paper?  Think of the size, shape, texture, and quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anti-Bullying Week

2 Your paper…  What words can you give to describe your paper?  Think of the size, shape, texture, and quality.

3 What is bullying?  Bullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over another person.  Bullying is something that happens repeatedly over time.

4 Why do some people bully?  People bully others to feel more powerful than others.  People bully others to become popular or to gain attention  Sometimes people bully others because they are being bullied themselves.

5 Why is bullying harmful?  Bullying causes students to feel bad about themselves.  It can make them feel lonely, sick, anxious, or lead to depression.  Sometime students who are bullied will avoid going to school.

6 What can you do?  Stand up against bullying. Let the bully know that what they are doing is not ok.  Speak out. If you see someone being bullied, help them out by talking to an adult who can help.  Don’t be a bully. Be careful that your words and actions do not contribute to bullying.

7 On your paper... Finish this sentence stem. I stand against bullying because…

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