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Client Interview and Correspondence. Make sure you have all the materials: Client file folder Waiver and File Review form Initial Interview Notes Relevant.

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Presentation on theme: "Client Interview and Correspondence. Make sure you have all the materials: Client file folder Waiver and File Review form Initial Interview Notes Relevant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Client Interview and Correspondence

2 Make sure you have all the materials: Client file folder Waiver and File Review form Initial Interview Notes Relevant interview guide Client Handout Client Statistics Sheet Read through applicable “Interview Guide” and LSLAP Manual Chapter from the LSLAP Website

3 Take charge of the interview – begin by explaining how our program works and our limitations and requirements Complete the forms – waiver/file review, statistics, copy ID, give client handout TAKE NOTES! Ask questions based on applicable “Interview Guide” and LSLAP Manual Chapter Determine if we CANNOT help the client (many areas we cannot cover and many rules over who we can represent) Try to determine the legal issue

4 DO NOT GIVE ANY ADVICE (or anything that could be construed as legal advice) Simply explain to the client that you are not allowed to give any advice until first checking with the supervising lawyer

5 Complete administrative tasks (fill out side tabs, get file number, ensure it gets entered into Clio) Make an appointment with Supervising Lawyer  Be prepared to summarize the file  Try to determine what the next steps should be/bring forward date Consider relevant areas of law and determine if you have all necessary information  Talk to clinic head and fellow clinicians  Review relevant sections of the LSLAP Manual and “5 Important Things” handouts Request any information you need from the client

6 ALL CORRESPONDENCE MUST GO THROUGH A SUPERVISING LAWYER!!* *(except simple requests for documents or answers to procedural questions)

7 The supervising lawyer will direct you to do legal correspondence and MUST review all correspondence that contains any legal advice before it is sent out Make sure you keep client’s up to date on their file – EVEN IF NOTHING HAS HAPPENED Try to avoid using legalese when communicating with clients Be sure to be professional and respectful when communicating with other lawyers

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