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DNA Replication (III) 王之仰.  Two replication forks might assemble at a single origin and then move in opposite directions, leading to bidirectional growth.

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1 DNA Replication (III) 王之仰

2  Two replication forks might assemble at a single origin and then move in opposite directions, leading to bidirectional growth of both daughter strands.  In the case of SV40 DNA, replication is initiated by binding of two large T- antigen hexameric helicases to the single SV40 origin and assembly of other proteins to form two replication forks.




6  These then move away from the SV40 origin in opposite directions with leading- and lagging- strand synthesis occurring at both forks.  Unlike SV40 DNA, eukaryotic chromosomal DNA molecules contain multiple replication origins separated by tens to hundreds of kilobases.

7  A six-subunit protein called ORC, for origin recognition complex, binds to each origin and associates with other proteins required to load cellular hexameric helicases composed of six homologous MCM proteins.  Two opposed MCM helicases separate the parental strands at an origin, with RPA proteins binding to the resulting

8 single-stranded DNA. Synthesis of primers and subsequent steps in replication of cellular DNA are thought to be analogous to those in SV40 DNA replication.  Replication of cellular DNA and other events are tightly regulated, so the appropriate numbers of cells for each

9 tissue are tightly regulated, so that the appropriate numbers of cells are produced during development and throughout the life of an organism.  Control of the initiation step is the primary mechanism for regulating cellular DNA replication.

10  Activation of MCM helicase activity, which is required to initiate cellular DNA replication, is regulated by specific protein kinases called S-phase cyclin-dependent kinases.  Other cyclin-dependent kinases regulate additional aspects of cell proliferation, including two daughter cells.

11  E. coli DNA polymerases introduces about 1 incorrect nucleotide per 10 4 polymerized nucleotides.  Proofreading depends on a 3’ → 5 ’ exonuclease activity of DNA polymerases.  When an incorrect base is incorporated during DNA synthesis, base-pairing between the 3 ’ nucleotide of the nascent

12 strand and the template strand does not occur.  The polymerase pauses, then transfers the 3 ’ end of the growing chain to its exonuclease site, where the incorrect mispaired base is removed. Then the 3 ’ end is transferred back to the polymerase site, where this region is copied correctly.


14  Two eukaryotic DNA polymerase δ and ε, used for replication of most chromosomal DNA in animal cells, also have proofreading activity.  It seems likely that proofreading is indispensible for all cells to avoid excessive mutations.

15  Eukaryotic chromosomes are replicated from multiple replication origins.  Initiation of replication from these origins occurs throughout S phase.  No eukaryotic origin initiates more than once per S phase.  The S phase continues until replication

16 from multiple origins along the length of each chromosome results in complete replication of the entire chromosome.  These two factors ensure that the correct gene copy number is maintained as cells proliferate.  Yeast replication origins contain an 11

17 -base-pair conserved core sequence to which is bound a hexameric protein, the origin-recognition complex (ORC), required for initiation of DNA synthesis.  The ORC remains associated with origins during all phases of the cycle.  Several additional replication initiation factors were required to initiate DNA synthesis.

18  These DNA replication initiation factors associate with the ORC at origins during G1; During G1 the various initiation factors assemble with the ORC into a prereplication complex at each origin.  The restriction of origin “ firing ” to once and only once per cell cycle in S. cerevisiae is enforced by the alternating cycle of B-type cyclin-CDK activity levels



21 through the cell cycle: low in telophase through G1 and high in S, G2, and M through anaphase.  S-phase cyclin-CDK complexes become active at the beginning of S phase when their specific inhibitor, Sic1, is degraded.  The prereplication complexes assembled at origins early in G1 initiate DNA synthesis in S phase when they are

22 phosphorylated by the S-phase cyclin-CDKs and a second heterodimeric protein kinase, DDK, expressed in G1 along with other proteins involved in DNA replication.  At least one subunit of the hexameric MCM helicase and Cdc6 is required; Following their phosphorylation, the helicase unwinds the DNA, and the resulting single-stranded DNA is bound by the single-stranded binding protein RPA and

23 other replication factors.  As the replication forks progress away from each origin, the phosphorylated initiation factors are displaced from the chromatin.  ORC complexes immediately bind to the origin sequence in the replicated daughter duplex DNA and remain bound throughout the cell cycle.

24  Origins can fire only once during the S phase because the phosphorylated initiation factors cannot reassemble into a prereplication complex.  Phosphorylation of components of the prereplication complex by S-phase cyclin-CDK complexes and the DDK complex simultaneously activates initiation of DNA

25 replication at an origin and inhibits re- initiation of replication at that origin.  B-type cyclin-CDK complexes remain active throughout the S-phase, G2, and early anaphase, maintaining the phosphorylated state of the replication initiation factors that prevents the

26 assembly of new prereplication complexes.  When the Cdc14 phosphatase is activated in late anaphase and the APC/C-Cdh1 complex triggers degradation of all B-type cyclins in telophase, phosphates on the initiation

27 factors are removed by the unopposed Cdc14 phosphatase; This allows the reassembly of prereplication complexes during early G1.  The inhibition of APC/C activity in G1 sets the stage for accumulation of the S- phase cyclins needed for onset of the

28 next S phase.  This regulatory mechanism has two consequences: (1) prereplication complexes are assembled only during G1, when the activity of B- type cyclin-CDK complexes is low; (2) each origin initiates replication

29 one time only during the S phase, when S phase cyclin-CDK complex activity is high.

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