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Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metric (SEA-PLM) II CONSULTATIVE MEETING.

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Presentation on theme: "Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metric (SEA-PLM) II CONSULTATIVE MEETING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metric (SEA-PLM) II CONSULTATIVE MEETING

2 Content Quick summary from CDM presentation SEA-PLM phase II: Implementation arrangements Round Table Discussion

3 Quick summary from CDM presentation

4 SEA-PLM Objectives To develop a common tool (translated into different national languages) which can assess learning achievement for primary school age 10 (Grade 5) across several content areas (literacy, numeracy and global citizenship) To ensure the learning metric is based on SEAMEO member countries’ core curriculum outcomes, is normed and validated with SEA children and is reflecting the spirit and values of SEAMEO/ASEAN

5 SEA-PLM Objectives (contd.) To provide tools that allow for item analysis using Rasch modelling and Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) Taxonomy, which provides deeper understanding of varieties in performance To strengthen technical knowledge and analytical capacities of staff involved in national exams and assessments

6 SEA-PLM Results To inform target standards, enable harmonization across SEA and potentially inform SEAMEO/ASEAN education qualification frameworks to: 1.better measure and understand the status of learning achievements among the general population and also for specific groups 2. improve curriculum and its relevance to national needs and priorities (improving quality of education through system- level monitoring of learner achievement) 3.strengthen SEAMEO/ASEAN technical collaborations on learning assessments and standards across education systems

7 SEA-PLM phases Phase I - November 2012 - November 2013: Task Forces and Committees established, work plans finalized, stock taking exercises of global and regional metrics and assessment initiatives Phase II - March 2014 - December 2015: Meta-analysis of national curricula and learning outcomes of SEA countries. Development of domains and items for Learning Metrics. Field-testing of translated tools and protocols and final content validation Phase III - February 2016 - March 2017: Regional validation process with 2,000 children assessed in each country. Finalization of the metric, dissemination of initial findings from validation data, capacity building for expanded use of metric tools and protocols

8 SEA-PLM (II) key activities 1.Consultative Meeting with SEAMEO Centres (26 June, 2014) 2.Inauguration Ceremony and first Steering Committee meeting (20 Oct, 2014) 3.Subject Task Team members meeting 4.Completion of detailed work plan by Institutional Contractor 5.Institutional Contractor’s visit to country teams for orientation and training of trainers to draft tools 6.Finalisation of tools 7.Visit to country teams for quality assurances and fill in the outstanding gaps 8.Field-testing in participating countries 9.Revise/ refine and finalise tools 10.Final Regional Expert Reference Group (RERG) meeting

9 SEA-PLM phase II: Implementation arrangements

10 Working group  Steering Committee UNICEF EAPRO SEAMEO ESCAP UNESCO Bangkok MoE (participating CO) SEA-PLM Secretariat Coordinating mechanism: SEA-PLM (II)

11 Steering Committee SEAMEO (Secretariat + INNOTECH) UNICEF EAPRO UNESCO (UIS Unit + NEQMAP Secretariat/EPR Unit) ESCAP Brooking Institute/LMTF Ministry of Education from 2-3 SEAMEO member countries (focal points) Institutional Contractor In-country facilitating unit

12 SEA-PLM Secretariat The SEA-PLM Secretariat plays the role of project coordination unit Guided by the Steering Committee and working in close cooperation with SEAMES Ensures timely coordination and communication between all the involved teams, committees and partners

13 Institutional contractor implement Phase II of the Southeast Primary Learning Metrics work closely with Regional Subject Task Teams on the three domains and the National Teams to provide guidance on validation of content and build capacity Request For Proposal (RFP) has been sent to academic institutions and education consulting institutions in East Asia Pacific region and worldwide

14 Appoint in-country organisation This organisation should either be a SEAMEO Centre or UNICEF Country Office and is key to: contribute with knowledge on existing national assessments ensure proposer communication channels are applied facilitate identification of most relevant participants ensure ongoing communication with MOE support and provide assistance in coordinating key activities such as travels, in-country training and field testing

15 Appoint a focal point Ministry of Education will appoint one focal point who will be the main contact for all communications regarding the development of the SEA-PLM in the country. Responsibilities:  Be the focal point for all coordination and communication with the SEA-PLM Secretariat and International Contractors who will provide capacity building at the country level  Oversee and facilitate problem-solving for the national team  Seek assistance (technical and capacity building) with the SEA-PLM Secretariat to manage obstacles and prevent problems

16 Appoint member of the Steering Committee As an integral part of the development and quality assurance of the SEA-PLM, a Steering Committee is to be appointed to represent the participating countries and key organizations involved in the development of the metric. The appointed focal point will be automatically eligible as the member of the Steering Committee.

17 Contribute with experts to the Subject Task Teams The main function of the Subject Task Team is to act as a group of experts and advisors within a regional and national context There will be three Subject Task Teams - Literacy (Reading/ Writing), Numeracy (Mathematics) and Global Citizenship All SEA countries will be invited to nominate participants to serve on the Subject Task teams: Countries (National Teams) involved in the field test are encouraged to contribute with experts to the Subject Task Teams Experts from SEA governments, from academic and technical institutions as well as freelance experts are also invited to join these Subject Task Teams

18 Set up the National Team The National Team is responsible for coordinating various processes at the country level, including inputs for development of protocols, the translation of tools and planning of training for field test purposes. The members of the National Team will be appointed by the Ministry of Education in the participating countries. The members must include: Members of the Ministry of Education or Education Institutions who are directly responsible for the design of national assessment tools Regional academic and technical institutions and freelance experts could also join the National Team

19 Progress: SEA-PLM II SEAMES - UNICEF EAPRO MOA incl. INNOTECH Steering Committee Institutional Contractor  Final commitment from MOE’s  In-Country Facilitation Unit  Regional Subject Task Teams  National Teams

20 Round Table Discussion Existing initiatives and relevance to SEA-PLM Views on SEAMEO Centre’s potential engagement in phase II Degree of engagement and contribution

21 Thank you very much for your kind attention

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