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Monitoring Tools Timo Pröscholdt WMO; DRA. Today  Report  Timeline  Outlook.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring Tools Timo Pröscholdt WMO; DRA. Today  Report  Timeline  Outlook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring Tools Timo Pröscholdt WMO; DRA

2 Today  Report  Timeline  Outlook

3 Report  ECMWF, NCEP and WMO  Defined file exchange format  Every 6h  Per variable and station  Status flags (now harmonized)  Regular file exchange  DWD to join the team soon 3

4 Issues  Definition of 6h interval  Semantics of flags, especially «rejected»  ECMWF wiki is the specs 4

5 Specs for monitoring application  Count nr. of received observations in 6h interval  Produce maps, global, regional, & per station  User can select NWP center they are interested in  Conceptual problem: What is the baseline?  Volume A (OSCAR)  Rolling average/max?  (check mockups..)  Defined mockups of reports 5

6 Mockup I  Station report  Historic graph  Tabular info 6

7 Mockup II  Global report  Color indicates status  Map info  Controls allow selecting  Center  Variable  Baseline  Period 7

8 WIR development timeline (TT-PWPP-2) 8 SORTPORTALOSCAR/surfaceOSCAR/spacemonitoring Q4/2015 -25% : initial content about WIGOS and its systems provided 50%: basic system developed, tested and deployed. Enhancements being developed 80% : operational since 2011. Phase II development completed. 10%: v0.2 of pilot project developed Q2/2016 -50%: initial content reviewed and migrated to new CMS system. New website operational. Content mapped to website or extranet 60%: version 1 operational. VolA/OSCAR transition period starts. Planning for version 2. 85%: phase II operational. New SAT team takes over 25%: v0.4 of pilot project. Q4/2016 5%: SORT requirements input into WMO EDMS project 100%: WIGOS page on new website, other WIGOS portal integrated into WMO extranet 75%: M2M interface & geospatial interface implemented, AMDAR integrated. First version of Analysis. Migration of requirements ?35%: Planning for level of integration with OSCAR/surface or elsewhere V0.8 of pilot project 2017 10%: Decision how to implement SORT 100%End of transition phase.?50%: prototype fully implemented v1.0

9 WDQMS development Timeline 9 Significant events Quality (and Availability) Monitoring component Incident management system componentRelations with: OSCAR, RWC, Other task teams, Training needs Late 2015 2 nd Workshop on WIGOS quality monitoring and incident management Discuss the current status of the pilot projects and propose detailed draft plan to submit to ICG-WIGOS-5 Discussion and recommendations Early 2016 Prototype for land surface stations ready to demonstrate; 3 NWP Centers participate Specifications for the IMS and start pilot project #1 in RA-I English speaking countries Early 2016 ICG-WIGOS-5; Task Teams on DQM and RWC established Prototype for GOS land surface stations and draft plan endorsed Specifications for GOS land surface stations and draft plan endorsed Recommendations endorsed Mid-2016 Joint session of TT-DQM and TT-RWC Prototype and draft plan discussed Specifications and draft plan discussed Mid-2016 EC-68 Draft plan included in WIGOS document Recommendations approved Late 2016 CBS-16, RA-II-16 Prototype demonstrated Pilot #1 demonstrated Early 2017 ICG-WIGOS-6 Expanded prototype (all GOS surface stations included in the monitoring) Start pilot project #2 in RA-I French speaking countries Mid-2017 EC-69 Expanded prototype demonstrated and guidance material approved Pilots #1 and #2 demonstrated and guidance material approved Late 2017 Expanded prototype operational IMS expanded to all GOS surface stations Early 2018 ICG-WIGOS-7 Full monitoring prototype (include other WIGOS observing systems) discussed Full IMS prototype (include other WIGOS observing systems) discussed Mid 2018 EC-70 Full monitoring prototype approved Full IMS prototype approved Late 2018/early 2019 CBS (Ext) 18 Full monitoring system in pre- operational mode (for more than one WIGOS observing systems) Full IMS in pre-operational mode (for more than one WIGOS observing systems) Mid 2019 Cg-18 Full monitoring system in pre- operational mode (for more than one WIGOS observing systems) submitted for approval Full IMS in pre-operational mode (for more than one WIGOS observing systems) submitted for approval

10 Outlook  Role of OSCAR  Will use NWP data to compute «status» field  NWP data may also be used to RRR  Use WMO visibility  Role of WIGOS monitoring in WMO performance management  WMO performance indicator? 10

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