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FRQ TIPS and Preparation AP Psychology. TYPICAL QUESTION TYPES Usually questions will be either a…  Short scenario (for example: a high school student.

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Presentation on theme: "FRQ TIPS and Preparation AP Psychology. TYPICAL QUESTION TYPES Usually questions will be either a…  Short scenario (for example: a high school student."— Presentation transcript:

1 FRQ TIPS and Preparation AP Psychology

2 TYPICAL QUESTION TYPES Usually questions will be either a…  Short scenario (for example: a high school student preparing for college (2014, #2)) with terms to give examples for. Or a…  Description of a psychological study where you need to analyze it using different research, statistic, or ethics terms (2014, #1) *15 of the last 22 questions have been one of these types.

3 UNIQUE QUESTION TYPES 2014 #1: Typical research question type but one task was creating a bar graph. 2012 #2: How does the placement or location of the first influence the process indicated by the second? (for example: rods … peripheral vision) 2010 #1: How does the first term affect or relate to the second? (for example: serial position effect….recall) 2008 #1: Parents preparing for a baby. A. One main idea of various psychologist’s theories B. Apply theory to specific parenting issue. 2007 #2: Schizophrenia is the topic and questions are asked about it (ex: What are two characteristic symptoms used to diagnose schizophrenia?) 2005 #1: How can each term lead to an inaccurate perception, cognition, or conclusion: each much include an explanation of the relationship between the term and the inaccuracy (ex. afterimage effect, group think) 2005 #2: Controversial issues: diagnostic labeling, acquisition of language, explanations of hypnosis…A. Describe opposing viewpoints (one argument for each side) B. Choose one point of view to support using evidence to justify why. 2004 #2: Time is an important variable in many concepts. Specific example demonstrating understanding of cocept and how it relates/effected by time. (Ex. critical period, fluid intelligence

4 WATCH OUT FOR…  Key words in the question  Explain “with an example” or “definitions will not score” (2007 #1)  “Help” and “Hinder” (2011 #2)  Use appropriate terms  Random assignment is key to a good experiment and leads to a cause and effect relationship. That is not the same as random selection or random sampling. (2014 #1)  Deception was a required term for the prompt “explain why debriefing was necessary” (2014 #1)  Manipulation when describing the independent variable in an experiment.

5 REMINDERS: Monday will be a mock FRQ (taken from the 22 questions from 2004-2014) worth 25 points. Tuesday will be questions 1-50 of a practice multiple choice exam. Wednesday will be questions 51-100 of a practice multiple choice exam. *Over the weekend, read through various FRQs because it will help your overall understanding of different topics.

6 A WORD ABOUT INTELLIGENCE… Crystallized Intelligence- accumulated knowledge as reflected in vocabulary and analogy tests. Increases with age. Fluid Intelligence- our ability to reason speedily and abstractly, as when solving a novel logic problem. Decreases slowly beginning in the 20s-30s then much quicker after 75.

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