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Continuous Process Improvement

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Presentation on theme: "Continuous Process Improvement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuous Process Improvement
Not This

2 Overview LEAN Thinking LEAN 5-step Continuous Improvement Cycle
Value Stream Mapping 8 Types of Waste 6S LEAN Tools Implementation Leadership Example

3 Lean Thinking “DELIVER THE MOST VALUE FROM YOUR CUSTOMER’S PERSPECTIVE WHILE CONSUMING THE FEWEST RESOURCES” «Offrir de la valeur du point de vue de vos client tout en consommant le moindre de ressources» The basic philosophy of Lean is to provide the customer with… La philosophie de base du Lean est de fournir au client What they want (besoin) When they want it (quand il/elle ont besoin) Using the absolute minimum resources (en utilisant le moindre de ressources)

4 Lean Thinking On-demand Defect free One-by-one Lowest cost
Four key performance goals: Quatre objectifs de rendement clés: On-demand Defect free One-by-one Lowest cost

5 Lean Why start with Lean? Requires very little specialized training
Nécessite une formation très peu spécialisée Can be implemented in any type of organization and at all levels Peut être implémentée dans n'importe quel type d'organisation et à tous les niveaux LEAN creates a culture of continuous process improvement LEAN crée une culture d'amélioration des processus continu Lean training is “learn by doing,” which means that benefits are realized before training is even complete Formation de LEAN est « apprendre en faisant», qui signifie que les bénéfices sont réalisés avant que la formation est même complète

6 Lean Value Flow Value Stream Pull Perfection

7 Lean Understand Value Comprendre la valeur
From perspective of the customer Du point de vue du client What are they willing to pay for Value Flow Value Stream Pull Perfection

8 Lean Identify the Value Stream Identifier le ‘Value Stream’
Set of actions required to take a product from concept to launch and from order to delivery Ensemble d'actions nécessaires pour prendre un produit a parti du concept a la lancer ou de l'ordre a la livraison Value Flow Value Stream Pull Perfection

9 Lean Establish Flow Etablir le déroulement
Goal is to produce and move one item at a time, with each step making just what is requested by the next step Objectif est de produire et de déplacer un élément à la fois, et faire en chaque étape seulement ce qui est demandé par la prochaine étape Value Flow Value Stream Pull Perfection

10 Lean Implement Pull Appliqué la method de tire
Nothing is produced until there is a need or request Rien n'est produit jusqu'à ce qu'il y a un besoin ou une demande Value Flow Value Stream Pull Perfection

11 Lean Strive for Perfection Essayer d’obtenir la perfection
Achieved when the process provides pure value as defined by the customer Lorsque le processus fournit une valeur pure tels que définis par le client No waste Pas de gaspillage Value Flow Value Stream Pull Perfection

12 Value Stream Value Stream Waste
Set of actions required to bring a specific product or service from raw material to the customer Ensemble d'actions nécessaires pour apporter un produit spécifique ou un service de matières premières à la clientèle Waste Anything that does not change the form, fit or function in a product (be it physical material, a capability or information) to satisfy a customer’s requirement Tout ce qui ne change pas la forme, d'agencement ou la fonction dans un produit (que ce soit matériel physique, une capacité ou informations) pour satisfaire les exigences du client

13 Value Stream Mapping Generates a common understanding of the current process and future state vision Génère une compréhension commune des processus en cours et vision du futur État Creates a baseline to measure improvements against Crée une base de référence pour mesurer les améliorations Helps recognize that lots of waste exists Aide à reconnaît qu'il existe beaucoup de gaspillage dans les processus

14 Value Stream Mapping Value-added vs. Non-Value Added Work
After Before Time Work Time (value add) Wait Time (no value) Work Time (non-value add) Typical Work Week: Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun Benefits to Commanders Increased speed  greater flexibility to deal with change Augmentation de vitesse—plus grande souplesse pour faire face au changement Improved productivity  equates to higher production/reduced cost Amélioration de la productivité--équivaut à un coût bas et augmente la production Improved morale  reduce the strain on our Airmen Amélioration du moral--réduire la pression exercée sur nos techniciens

15 Value Stream Mapping Waste Identification

16 8 Types of Waste Defects Inspection and repair of material in inventory Overproduction Working faster than next person can process Waiting Idle time created when waiting Non Value Added Processing Any effort that adds no value to the product or service Transportation Movement of material or people that adds no value Intellect Not using people to the best of their unique abilities Motion Unnecessary movement Excess Inventory Having more than necessary

17 6S Sort Straighten Shine Standardize Sustain Safety
Keep only what you need Garder seulement ce que vous devez Straighten Organize it Shine Make it easy to see if something is wrong Rendre facile de voir si quelque chose est mauvaise Standardize Develop systems/procedures to maintain and monitor first three Ss Développer des systèmes et procédures pour maintenir et surveiller les trois premiers Ss Sustain Maintain your new standard Maintenir votre nouvelle norme Safety Design safety in the layout

18 Six Sigma Intended to improve the effectiveness of a process by identifying process variation in satisfying customer requirements and expectations Destiné à améliorer l'efficacité d'un processus en identifiant les processus qui varie tout en essayant de satisfaire les attentes et les exigences du client Reduce and eliminate variation Réduire et éliminer la variation Nail Gun Video

19 Theory of Constraints Focuses
Identifying the system’s constraint that limits overall operational performance Identifier les contraintes du système qui limite la performance opérationnelle Exploiting the system’s constraint to get the most out of it without additional resources Exploitant les contraintes du système pour obtenir le maximum sans ressources supplémentaires Subordinating everything else that is not the system’s constraint Subordonne tout ce qui n'est pas contrainte du système

20 LEAN Tools Other Tools Standardized work Example Visual Management
Root cause problem solving (5 Why’s) Benchmarking

21 Seriously, just draw a pig right now.
Have them draw a pig on a blank sheet of paper. Give them a couple of minutes as some people will get really detailed with theirs. Once completed, ask a few people to show their interpretations of the pig. Ask about any variations and differences between the two.

22 Draw a Pig! BRIEFER NOTES:
- Introduce them to the SOP and instruct them to use one side of the grid paper for this effort. Time them for effect – this part of the drill should take about 1 to 1.5 min - The SOP is purposely vague on paper orientation and size of some things to make the need for training standout better. MID-SEQUENCE INSTRUCTIONS: Have the FTAC NCOIC read the SOP as they attempt to draw the “right” pig step-by-step Make another point that they are still not delivering to your needs, then ask what else can you give them to get 100% customer/commander satisfaction BRIEFER NOTE: Tasks 10 and 11 are the same. Task 11 should refer to the pigs eyes versus a second mouth. See how many students catch this error. The SOP in step 3 of the exercise (next slide) has been revised to be more specific. Let the FTAC NCOIC read through Task 11, then make another point that they are still not meeting to your needs, then ask what else can you give them to get 100% customer/commander satisfaction … wait until someone says a picture is needed Advance the slide to show the SOP w/diagram

23 Pig! “Now, flip the grid paper over and follow the new SOP on the blank grid.” Time them again. This should take no longer than 45 seconds to help you illustrate a time savings. Instructor should lead a group discussion on how this is applicable to the student's work areas. Learning Points to draw out from them: Better instructions lead to correct output in less time The fact is, without standards drawing a pig can be more difficult than it sounds and this simple exercise shows that w/out standard work we have no consistency on which to base improvements With standard work but w/out training (or visuals) we are only slightly better, but with standardized work, training and a visual of expectations we now have the baseline for minimal effort to produce what the customer/commander expects No idea to improve a process can be declared “better” unless you know what the standard work of that process requires With a standard established, team work & innovation can be used to improve the standard … even across the Air Force BRIEFER NOTE: lead a group discussion on how this is applicable to the student's work areas SUMMARY: Standard work is fundamental to consistent output and a key building block of AFSO21. We have discussed the key components and tools of standard work. We also demonstrated that without standards drawing a pig can be more difficult than it sounds. NICE JOB ON THE PIGS – GIVE YOURSELF A HAND!

24 Process Driven Results
Inconsistent Process Inconsistent Results Traditional = People doing whatever they can to get results Focus on consistency to ensure predictable and consistent results There will always be variation in product w/out specific instructions (AFI, TOs, OIs, etc) and defined standard work Remember, if you never do the same task the same way, you don’t know how long it takes and how many resources it should consume Examples: Signing in to the base and completing the in-processing checklist. There is a “good timing” window and best path (least gas consumed, shortest time, maximize number of right turns, etc.) to go to each office with your checklist for in-processing. The best case scenario is that you would get this completed within one day. However, if you are unfamiliar with the base layout, where buildings are and what time offices are open (including when they close for PT and in-service training), you may not follow that best path at the right times causing you to waste more time and maybe even more days just completing the checklist. Have any of you experienced something like this? You probably didn’t if you had a sponsor to lead you through this. Did you get it all done in one day? Did you zig zag around? Were you confused about where you were and where other buildings/places were? How many units tell you to take a few days to get settled without really knowing how fast this process can really be done? Is this important? Sure it is. For every day you’re signed in at the base and not doing your job, the job is not getting done or it is an overload for someone picking up the slack? What might you do to ensure people don’t waste their time getting signed in to the base? The sponsor program A base map with a pre-thought out “BEST” travelling route from the place they pick up the checklist or start the sequence, timing notices (must be kept current/refreshed), etc. GOOD JOB!!! Consistent Process Expected (desired) Results Lean = People using standard process to get results

25 Visual Management Provides instruction Conveys information
Exposes abnormalities Conveys shortfalls

26 Visual Management

27 Visual Management Displays Color coding Indicator/Signal/Control

28 Understanding Change Over 90% of change initiatives fail in the long run Plus de 90 % des initiatives de changement échouent à long terme Reasons for failure (raisons pour l’échec) Lack of sponsorship at all levels (Manque de parrainage à tous les niveaux) Lack of effective communication (Manque de communication efficace) Poorly defined roles (les rôles sont pas bien définis) Limits on time and resources (Limites de temps et de ressources) Organizational inertia and politics (Politique et problèmes organisationnel) Lack of integrated planning (Manque de planification intégrée) Choosing the wrong people for project roles (Choisir les mauvaises personnes pour les rôles de projet)

29 Change Requires Affirming Leadership
Avoid Saying “Can’t” in its many forms . . . We tried that before. Our place is different. That’s not my job. It costs too much. We don’t have the time. Runs up our overhead. Laws and Regs say we can’t. That’s not our problem. I don’t like the idea. Good idea but impractical. Not that again. It’s too radical a change. We did all right without it. It won’t work in our office. It can’t be done. It’s impossible. We’ve always done it this way. Top management won’t buy it. Don’t rock the boat. Quit dreaming. If it isn’t broke... We don’t have the authority. It’s a customer requirement...

30 Examples One Asset Before Process Improvements (Lean/Cellular)
Lab 14B Power Wash 17T Full FPI 11B Heat Treat 26D Steam Clean 54A Weld Prep 05F Stripping 28G One Asset Plasma Spray 26C Annex Km Traveled: 5.7 Weld 05C Attach WCD 54A Average Flow Days: 23 Ownership Changes: 12 Blast 53A Building 3001 Before Process Improvements (Lean/Cellular)

31 TO-BE Examples Before Distance traveled: 5.7 Km Avg Flow Days: 23
Cleaning Blast Controlled Grinding Induction Machining TO-BE Assembly Strip Paint Weld Plasma Heat Treat Before Distance traveled: 5.7 Km Avg Flow Days: 23 Ownership Changes: 12 After Distance Traveled: 2.1 Km Avg Flow Days: 6 Ownership Changes: 4 Process Ownership as high as possible Product Turn time as low as possible

32 Examples OC-ALC: KC-135 aircraft overhaul
100 additional aircraft available 100 avions supplémentaires disponibles Flowdays reduced from 380 to 167 Jours de travaille réduit de 380 à 167 On-time delivery increased to 100% Livraison a temps a augmenté jusqu’a 100 % Shingo Prize DOD Silver-Level Winner

33 Examples McChord AFB: Wheel & tire shop
Reduced manpower from 14 to 5 nombre d’ouvrier réduite de 14 à 5 Reduced steps from 7 to 4 Étapes réduit de 7 à 4 Cycle time reduced by 67% Temps de cycle réduit de 67 % Dover AFB: C-5 isochronal inspection Flowdays reduced from 33 to 19 days Jour d’inspection réduit de 33 à 19 jours Cost/aircraft reduced from $1.9M to $1.6M Coût de maintenance réduite de $1. 9 M $ 1. 6 M CSAF Team Excellence Award

34 Summary LEAN Thinking LEAN 5-step Continuous Improvement Cycle
Value Stream Mapping 8 Types of Waste 6S LEAN Tools Implementation Leadership Example

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