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PLATE TECTONICS The Unifying Theory of Earth Science.

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Presentation on theme: "PLATE TECTONICS The Unifying Theory of Earth Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLATE TECTONICS The Unifying Theory of Earth Science

2 Plate Tectonics  Explains  Mountains  Volcanoes  Earthquakes  Oceans  Valleys  The surface of the earth

3 Plate Tectonics  Surface features are caused by processes within the earth  Central Idea of all Science  Observations can be explained as the result of regular, natural processes

4 Earth’s Interior  Studied by analyzing  Seismic Waves React differently depending on the material  Meteorites Same composition as the Earth’s interior



7 Layers of the Earth  Inner Core: solid iron and nickel  Outer Core: liquid iron and nickel  Mantle: dense, ultramfic magma and semi-molten rock  Crust: rigid outer layer of rock  Arranged by density

8 Crust  Very thin  Solid Rock  Oceanic Crust: 3-8 miles (5-12 km)  Continental Crust: 15-25 miles (24-40 km)  Scientists can study directly  8 miles: deepest humans have ever gone  Continental crust is thicker and less dense




12 Mantle  Magma and rock 100-1800 miles below surface (160 – 2900 km)  Plastic rock  Solid that can bend and flow Toothpaste; silly putty  Very dense (ultramafic)  Very hot  Radioactive decay produces a lot of heat

13 Mantle  Lithosphere: upper mantle + crust  Asthenosphere: layer of mantle below lithosphere  Heat moves by  Convection: movement of heated particles  Conduction: transfer of energy through contact






19 Core  Outer Core  Liquid metal – iron an nickel Swirls to produce earth’s magnetic field  Inner Core  Solid due metal to enormous pressure


21 Continental Drift  Developed by Alfred Wegener ~ 1915  Continents move on the oceanic crust  All were once joined to form Pangaea  Supported by  Geologic formations (mountains etc.)  Fossils  Climate


23  Gathered evidence from around the world  Died on an expedition to Greenland

24 Geologic Evidence  Similarities between rocks and mountains on each side of the Atlantic Ocean  Same composition of minerals  Evidence of similar forces and stresses



27 Fossil Evidence  Same species of worms, dinosaurs, ferns, etc found on distant continents



30 Climate Evidence  Glaciers and coal deposits show that climate of continents was very different in the past



33 Continental Drift  Not accepted at the time  No mechanism for movement  Continents are not hard enough to push through oceanic crust  Magnetic evidence added after Wegener’s death

34 Magnetic Evidence  Rocks record the magnetic field of the earth from when they first cool  What is cooling of magma called?  Magnetic minerals = compasses  Align with the poles in molten rock  Locked in place once rock crystallizes

35 Magnetic Evidence  Rocks less than 800,000 years old point toward North Pole  Rocks 800,000 to 2,500,000 years old point in opposite direction  Normal and reversed polarity

36 Magnetic Reversals

37 Magnetic Evidence  Rocks from different continents did not agree on location of the poles  Either the poles moved, the continents moved, or both  Only the continents moved while the poles remained stationary


39 Magnetic Evidence  Continents seemed to move over history  Wegener’s theory began to become popular  Still no mechanism for the movement or explanation about how continents could push through oceans

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