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More vitamins!. Minerals  Minerals are inorganic substances that make up 4% of the body weight.  The other 96% is made up of carbohydrates, fats, proteins,

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Presentation on theme: "More vitamins!. Minerals  Minerals are inorganic substances that make up 4% of the body weight.  The other 96% is made up of carbohydrates, fats, proteins,"— Presentation transcript:

1 More vitamins!

2 Minerals  Minerals are inorganic substances that make up 4% of the body weight.  The other 96% is made up of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water

3  Minerals become part of the bones, soft tissues, and body fluids.  Function: help to regulate the body processes

4 Macrominerals  Body needs 100 or more milligrams a day  Examples are: calcium  Phosphorus  Magnesium  Sodium  Potassium  chlorine

5 Microminerals  Also called trace minerals  Needed in amounts less than 100 milligrams a day  Examples:  Iron  Zinc  Iodine  flourine

6 Phosphorus  Source: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and other dairy  Function: gives strength to the bones and teeth (like calcium)  Helps balance acid and alkalis in the blood  Deficiencies-we all get enough of this  Excesses-causes diet problems and leads to not enough calcium

7 Magnesium  About ½ is n the skeleton, the other half ins tissues and body fluids  Function – helps cells use protein, fat and carbs to produce energy’  Source-whole grains, nuts, beans, meat, dark green leafy veggies  Deficiencies-alchoholics often have this. Also those with kidney problems and malnutrition.  Excesses-none

8 Sodium, chloride, potassium  A nutrient team  blood plasma and other fluids contain most of the body’s sodium and chloride  Sodium is also in the bones  Chloride is in the gastric juices  Potassium is in our cells  The team works together to control osmosis – this is where fluids move in and out of the cell walls.  They help the nervous system and muscles to work and cells to absorb nutrients  Source – table salt and processed foods  Deficiencies are rare

9 Potassium  Source – meats, seafood, sweet and white potatoes, tomato products. Also bananas, peaches and apricots

10 Potassum …..  Deficiencies – rare side effects  Many people do not get enough potassium though  Main benefit – keeps blood pressure low

11 Sodium  Deficiencies are rare. Most people get more than they need  Excesses – swelling, called edema  Sodium is linked to high blood pressure or hypertension (high blood pressure).The more salt you consume, the higher your blood pressure will be  That is why too much salt is bad for you.

12 Trace elements  Iron  Zinc  Iodine  Flouride

13 Iron  Body has 4 g of iron  Over ½ of this is in the blood, forming hemoglobin ( a protein found in red blood cells)  The body stores iron and reuses it  Lack of causes anemia. Affects women and infants most  Sources – liver, beef, egg yolk, leafy green veggies, legumes. The body absorbs iron from animal sources easier than plants

14 Zinc  Function – helps enzymes perform their functions  Helps wounds heal and the immune system  Deficiency – poor wound healing, can stunt growth & sexual development of children  Excess-fever, nausea, vomiting

15 Iodine  The thyroid gland stores 1/3 of the body’s iodine. Iodine is an essential part of thyroxine – which regulates the rate at which the body uses energy.  Lack of iodine – thyroid gland enlarges causing a goiter. During prenatal period, a lack can cause sever mental retardation.

16 Flouride  Mostly found in the teeth and bones  Needed to help teeth decay  Source - water

17 Water  Must have water to function!  Functions – 50-75% of body weight is water  Water lubricates the joints and regulates body temperature  80% of your water comes from liquids you drink  20% comes from foods you eat

18 Water requirements  What are your body needs?  Divide your body weight by 2 (150 lb /2 = 75) 150 lb person needs 75 ounces a day You need more water if you have a fever, or live in a hot climate

19 Digestion & Absorption  Digestion – the bodily process of breaking down food into simpler compounds the body can use  Absorption – taking in nutrients and making them part of the body

20 Digestive track  The digestive track is a tube about 30 feet long. It contains the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.  All of these work together to help the body use food.

21 Digestion process  The body breaks down complex molecules from food into simple, soluble materials.  What is soluble?  Vitamins and minerals do not change much during digestion  Fats, proteins and carbs go through many changes

22 Digestion involves 2 phases 1. Mechanical phase begins in the mouth – chew food. The muscular wall of your stomach carries the mechanical action. These contractions help break food down into smaller pieces 2. Chemical phase also begins in the mouth. As you chew food is mixed with saliva. This moistens the food particles, and helps them move down the esophagus.

23  In the stomach, gastric juices help break down food even more.  An ordinary meal leaves the stomach in about 3 hours.  Carbs leave the stomach first  Proteins leave the stomach next, followed by fats...This is why it’s good to include some protein and a little fat at every meal. This type of meal will help you feel full longer than a meal of mostly carbs.

24 The absorption process Most absorption takes place in the small intestine Millions of hairlike fingers called villi line the small intestine, they increase the absorption rate by 600%! ???Why would someone who drinks alcohol feel the effects so quickly on an empty stomach?

25 Absorption  The body absorbs all carbs as monosaccharides, (single sugar units)  The body absorbs fats and other lipids in 2 forms: 1. Fatty acids 2. glycerol and monoglycerides

26 Metabolism  The chemical processes that take place in the cells after the body absorbs nutrients  Enzymes cause almost all metabolic reactions  Excess carbs are stored in the body as FAT tissue  The body uses most fat for fuel

27  Career success p. 52  Chapter review p 53

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