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Rochester Community Schools 2012-2013 Budget Adoption.

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Presentation on theme: "Rochester Community Schools 2012-2013 Budget Adoption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rochester Community Schools 2012-2013 Budget Adoption

2 Process Annually before July 1 each school district is required to adopt budgets for the new school year Actual student count is not known Budget is built upon assumptions based upon the current year and any known changes Once the new year is started the budget will be amended for any major updates

3 Fund Budgets Presented  Athletic Fund  Bookstore Fund  Capital Projects Fund  Debt Service Fund  School Lunch Fund  General Fund  Now includes all Early Retirement Incentive Plan payments

4 Funds Not Presented Special Purpose or Trust Funds like the Student Activities Fund do not have budgets because funds can only be spent for the legally specified purposes of those funds.

5 Athletic Fund  There are no added athletic teams or team changes  The general fund transfer has been reduced, and expenditures have been reduced and an approved use of fund balance is included.  A budget amendment is expected for this fund during the school year to reflect:  Change in coaches from PESG to district employees.  Change expected in officials fees.  Any changes due to bargaining agreement updates.

6 Athletic Budget

7 Bookstore Fund Currently 2 elementary, 2 middle, and 3 high schools operate bookstores. These are for student convenience and/or career training. The budget is adopted to allow for sales that slightly exceed expenditures. The school stores are operating under the same nutrition standards as the school lunch program. Stores are not charged for the district staff, space, custodial services, support services, or utilities.

8 Bookstore Budget

9 Capital Projects Fund All bond funds have been expended. Transfers for multi-year capital projects are completed from the general fund as approved. Funds are budgeted to allow for any necessary major capital projects.

10 Capital Projects List Balance of Hampton Carpeting Balance of Brooklands Roofing Available For Needs Banking and Service Fees $ 40,857 $542,337 $926,905 $ 2,000

11 Capital Projects Budget

12 Debt Service Fund This fund does not legally require a budget to be adopted because the voters have approved the issuance of bonds and related payment of debt. The budget is presented in order to supply information regarding the collection and use of local taxes. The budget is based upon the debt service schedules for the following outstanding bond issues: 1997, 2004 Refunding, 2004, 2005 Refunding, related abated taxes and escrow fees.

13 Debt Service Budget

14 School Lunch Fund This fund includes all operations for our national school breakfast and lunch programs. Lunch prices will remain at 11-12 levels Support costs have been direct charged to this fund for portions of utilities, facility support, and lunchroom aids.

15 School Lunch Budget

16 General Fund Revenues and expenditures are built upon a 10/90 blended count of 14,998.56 student FTE, an increase of 13.5FTE from 2011-2012 actual. The budget includes approx 1,225 regular staff FTE, approximately 885 are certificated (teachers & admin) State Aid funding expected for 2012-2013 is $7,878 Per Pupil FTE which is the same as 2011-12 All bargaining unit contracts are in negotiations The budget includes the following operational changes:  All day Kindergarten  Contract of Custodial Services, partial grounds services, and parking lot attendents  Contract of Student Transportation Services

17 General Fund Budget

18 Summary 2012-2013 Budgets, as proposed, are built upon current year performance, known changes, and approved considerations. The budgets will be amended for any material changes in the new year. Actual beginning fund balances will depend upon final close of 2011-2012.

19 Conclusion Questions and Review Request Approval of Resolutions

20 End of Presentation


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