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Why are so many people wanting to live in the UK?.

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Presentation on theme: "Why are so many people wanting to live in the UK?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are so many people wanting to live in the UK?

2 Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain Migration into the UK

3 How many people are coming to the UK?



6 WHO ARE EMILY AND PETER? Emily and her husband Peter lived in the city of Torun, Poland Emily migrated to the UK in 2005 and her husband Peter soon joined her. They had a baby girl in January 2007 and by March 2007 they had settled in rented accommodation in High Wycombe, UK. But WHY did they move?

7 Push and Pull Push Factors – things that encourage or force people to leave an area Pull Factors – things that attract people to an area 1.In pairs sort out the factors that influenced Emily and Peter’s migration into two groups: ‘Push Factors’‘Pull Factors’ 2.Decide which 2 push factors and which two pull factors you think were the most important out of this list.


9 A letter from home: Droga Emilia, Jak sie masz? Ciekawa jestem jak ci zycie idzie w Anglii i czy wrocisz do nas. Smutno mi jest bez ciebie. Odpisz szybko, Mama xxx Homework Using your sheet on ‘push and pull’ factors write a letter from Emily back home to her mother to explain why she felt she had to leave Poland and why she is thinking of staying in the UK. (In English!) Dear Emily, How are you? How is life in England and do you think you will return to us? I miss you so much. Write back soon, Mama xxx

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