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Shh…... Are you watching? Shhhh….. Are you paying attention?

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Presentation on theme: "Shh…... Are you watching? Shhhh….. Are you paying attention?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shh…..

2 Are you watching?

3 Shhhh…..

4 Are you paying attention?

5 Shhhhhh…..

6 Can you hear it?

7 Shhhhhhhh…

8 Silence has a sound,

9 but it is not heard with our ears.

10 Shh…..

11 You hear it with your soul.

12 Can you hear it?

13 Shhhh…..

14 Listen.

15 Shhhhhh…..

16 Do you have the ears to hear?

17 Shh…..

18 Can you just listen for 30 seconds?

19 Let’s find out…

20 Ready?

21 Set,

22 Go!


24 3

25 2

26 1

27 Done.

28 What did you hear?

29 Did you hear that cough?

30 The creaking of the pews?

31 Outside noises?

32 Did you hear yourself?

33 Your breath and beating heart

34 all have a sound,

35 but we tune them out.

36 There is always background noise,

37 but we only pay attention

38 when we are told to.

39 Do you know what I’m talking about?

40 Wait…I’m not talking.

41 No voices were used in the making of this sermon!

42 At least no voices that you hear with your ears…

43 Being silent, listening,

44 and calming ourselves is important

45 for your health

46 for your body

47 for your mind

48 and especially

49 for your soul.

50 So…

51 Ready to try more?

52 No?

53 Too bad!

54 Can you go for 35 seconds?

55 Ready, set,

56 Go!


58 3

59 2

60 1

61 Done.

62 How do you feel?

63 Bored? Confused? Happy?

64 Maybe you don’t feel anything…

65 Or maybe you are always feeling,

66 but you don’t pay attention

67 until someone tells you to.

68 When we are quiet--

69 it is then that we might actually hear.

70 Our bodies speak.

71 Our emotions and feeling speak.

72 In fact, they are always speaking,

73 but we don’t listen.

74 You with me?

75 If I’m right,

76 then

77 you need to be silent more.

78 Shh…..

79 How about just 15 seconds this time?

80 Ready, set, go!


82 3

83 2

84 1

85 Done.

86 Piece of cake huh?

87 Now,

88 if our bodies and feelings are speaking,

89 but we need to quiet ourselves to hear them,

90 then might the same be true for God?

91 The answer is:

92 Yes!!!!!!!!

93 Everybody nod your heads!

94 Yes! Yes! Yes!

95 The Holy Spirit of God

96 is speaking to you

97 right now.

98 Seriously.

99 I’m not lying.

100 I can hear the voice of God

101 speaking to me.

102 Can you?

103 Can you quiet yourself and hear God?

104 Shh…..

105 Can you quiet not only your mouth,

106 but also your heart and mind?

107 That is MUCH harder.

108 It will take practice.

109 But, it is possible to be still

110 in your body, mind, and heart.

111 And then you listen in a whole new way.

112 You can hear God speaking.

113 It is a voice that has always been there.

114 And always will be there.

115 You know about this voice already because

116 every once in a while God cranks up the volume

117 and you hear God speaking.

118 We think it is a miracle, a vision, a prophecy

119 And we perceive it as a unique and amazing event.

120 But what if hearing God was actually

121 the most normal thing ever?

122 So normal and common, it is like breathing--

123 a normal, natural thing that

124 you do automatically

125 and without even thinking.

126 What if listening to God was

127 just like breathing.

128 I want you to try something with me.

129 I want you to pay attention to your breath.

130 Just do what I tell you to do. It isn’t hard.

131 Ready?

132 Breathe in.

133 Breathe out.

134 Breathe in through your nose.

135 Breathe out through your mouth.

136 Breathe in through your nose.

137 Breathe out with a big sigh.

138 You are all very weird.

139 But you know what is weirder than

140 paying attention to your breath?

141 Paying attention to the voice of God.

142 THAT

143 IS

144 SO


146 And it is amazing, refreshing, miraculous,

147 beautiful, astounding, right and true.

148 What if hearing from God was as easy

149 as listening to your breath?

150 There is no “what if”

151 It IS that easy.

152 It really is!

153 I know you don’t think so.

154 Yes…I can read your mind.

155 Not really.

156 40

157 But I do know what number 40

158 40

159 You are thinking about right now.

160 You were thinking about 40. Right?

161 Anyway…

162 Back to the God stuff.

163 The good stuff.

164 Were you listening to the story?

165 The scripture read this morning?

166 It was about Elijah and God.

167 And this woman named Jezebel,

168 but I don’t really want to talk about her

169 except to say that she was going to kill Elijah.

170 Elijah got scared and ran,

171 then he got grumpy and gave up,

172 and then he journeyed for 40 days,

173 and finally found himself a nice cave to sleep in.

174 God met him in the cave.

175 And God spoke!

176 God tells Elijah to meet him outside,

177 so Elijah goes outside and

178 there was a powerful wind,

179 but God was not in the wind.

180 There was an earthquake,

181 but God was not in the earthquake.

182 There was a fire,

183 but God was not in the fire.

184 And then came a gentle whisper…

185 Shh…..

186 God met Elijah in the whisper.

187 In the quiet.

188 In the calm.

189 God will meet you too.

190 God is already waiting for you

191 to stop paying attention to the noise.

192 And to let the clamor and chaos

193 stop for a while.

194 As you quiet your body,

195 feelings and mind.

196 And listen to the sound

197 of the gentle, whispering voice of God.

198 There is such great wisdom

199 in learning to listen to that gentle whisper.

200 So you ready to try again?

201 Think we can listen for 60 seconds?

202 I bet we can.

203 Before we do, I want you to

204 remember that God loves you

205 and we love you too.

206 Now back to the listening.

207 Ready, set, go.



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