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Experiencing and sharing the renewing life and love of Jesus in an uncertain time Madison Street Church Projects, September 2016-June 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Experiencing and sharing the renewing life and love of Jesus in an uncertain time Madison Street Church Projects, September 2016-June 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiencing and sharing the renewing life and love of Jesus in an uncertain time Madison Street Church Projects, September 2016-June 2017

2 Goals & Strategies  Goals (2014)  Strengthening Christian Community Across the Generations  Improving Our Facilities for More and for More Effective Kingdom Efforts  Positioning shared (i.e., multi-voiced) ministry for increased faithfulness  Key Strategies (2015)  Increase the number and quality of small groups  Facilitate the spiritual formation of children  Support continual improvement of our facilities  Create ministry systems that are harmonious | realign ad hoc ministry teams  Engage in neighborhood, watershed, and global mission (including IVEP)  Improve use of social media

3 Discerning Our Way in Uncertain Times  Town Hall Conversations  Preparation meetings within the Pastoral-Staff Team  Multi-Voiced Leadership, Worship, and Congregational Life – August 20 (Gary)  Facilities for Kingdom Use – October 1 (Greg)  Building a Multi-Generational Community – October 22 (Matt)  Remodeling 3991A (on the drawing board since 2010)  Capital Improvement Plan Finalized by Leadership Council – September 7  General Council Resolution per BiCF requirements – September 11?  Funding (from BiCF) within 30-45 days | Projects commence sometime in late October-early November | Remodeling through to at least June 2017  Participatory Development of the FY2017 Income & Expense Budget

4 Experiencing the Renewing Life and Love of Jesus  Increasing Small Group Ministry  Bible Studies: Men’s Group, Women’s Group, Couple’s Group  Renovare “Quartets”  Life Transformation “Duos”  Creating Contemplative Opportunity  Ecumenical Taize Services: 2 nd Monday of the Month, beginning September 12 (St Thomas the Apostle, First Congregational Church, First Christian Church, and Madison Street Church)  Mad St Hosting Dates: December 12, April 10, August 14  Monthly “Vesper” Service: Spoken Liturgy w/ Eucharist (4 th Monday Night of the Month, beginning August 29)  Lenten Season  Ash Wednesday, March 1  Holy Thursday, April 13

5 Sharing the Renewing Life and Love of Jesus  Saturday Suppers Resume (first Saturday of the Month)  Catechesis  Membership Class, Saturday, October 8  Justice Initiatives  Palestine Interfaith Dialogue, with Dr. Alex Awad, November 6  New Jim Crow | Anti-Racism Responses  Election Night Communion with Crest Community Church, November 8  MCC Fall School Kits Project  commonGood efforts  Citrus Classic – October 9  Fall Garden  HyeonJeong Kim involvement with You’re Invited and ESL program via CBU  New e-Newsletter, edited by Jenna P!  IMPACT Conversations with Jeff

6 Oh, yeah, we also meet for worship on Sunday mornings!  Continued use of the lectionary and the Christian calendar  More “homegrown” music (e.g., Singing the Psalms)  More experiments in liturgy? More frequent Eucharist? More common prayer?

7 Bringing it all together: Growing Healthy Churches Initiative  An effort of the Pacific & Midwest BiC conferences – resourcing and reenergizing pastors and congregations to make the Great Commission central to our mission  Five pilot congregations invited in 2016-2017: Solid Ground, Upland, GracePoint, Crest Community, & Madison Street  Congregational Assessment – Natural Church Development survey (think of it as the MBTI for congregations)  Prayer Team  Monthly Learning Community for participating pastors  Regional Resource Gatherings (Spring & Fall)  Coaching – provided by Dr. Buck Rogers  Cost: $125 per month, beginning in September  Launching at All Church Retreat, September 9-10, with Pastor Bob Beaty as our resource person

8 How do you get involved…  When it comes down to it, our hope is that individuals and households at Mad St are getting involved in experiencing and sharing the renewing life and love of Jesus by:  Participating in Sunday Morning Worship…  Engaging in a small group activity…  Coming to the All Church Retreat…  …And finding a place to offer your gifts through the various additional offerings and opportunities created to experience and share in the renewing life and love of Jesus…  … OR creating new offerings and opportunities to deploy your gifts for kingdom ministry as we experience and share in the renewing life and love of Jesus

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