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Leadership Presentation By: Michaela Scanlon, Jessica Wind, Jamie Gittens, and Nathalie Menendez.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Presentation By: Michaela Scanlon, Jessica Wind, Jamie Gittens, and Nathalie Menendez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Presentation By: Michaela Scanlon, Jessica Wind, Jamie Gittens, and Nathalie Menendez

2 Leadership Presentation Agenda Topic: Angela Merkel Team Leader: Michaela Scanlon Team Members: Jaime Gittens, Nathalie Mendez, Jess Wind, Michaela Scanlon November 1 st : Everyone was emailed to confirm team and decide on a leader to focus on November 15 th : Everyone will submit, via email or discussion board, their research and an analysis of her leadership style. Each member is expected to submit at least one paragraph November 25 th : Each team member will submit their part of the presentation in the form of a word document via email. Jaime Gittens: Who is Angela Merkel? What does she do? Who follows her and why does she have so many followers? Michaela Scanlon: What event or series of events has Angela Merkel done that has made her such a great leader? (Summarize a few of her greatest accomplishments, make a timeline) Will also write introduction and conclusion and put together the assignment. Nathalie Mendez: What has been learned from Angela Merkel’s leadership? Jess Wind : What do you feel she could do to improve, or what could she have done differently and why? December 5 th : Team leader, Michaela Scanlon, will take all submissions and put them together to form the final project. (I will send out all slides so that you can submit your part via December 10 rd – 12 th : Every team member will submit their Jaime Gittens : Present the agenda, introduction, and ‘Who is Angela Merkel’ slides. Michaela Scanlon: Present ‘timeline’ slides. Nathalie Mendez: Present ‘Lessons from Angela Merkel’ Slides. Jess Wind: Present ‘What could Angela do differently’ Slides as well as conclusion. December 13 th : Each team member will complete and submit their Peer Evaluation, full assignment will be submitted through blackboard.

3  In a world full of power not everyone is fit to be leader, but occasionally there is that one person who shines above all others. Angela Merkel has proven herself to be one of the greatest leaders this world has seen. She is the chancellor of Germany and one of the most powerful woman in the world with many lessons to teach us.

4  Angela Merkel became the first female Chancellor, or Head of Government, of Germany in 2005 and an architect of the European Union. She is considered to be the most powerful woman in the world (Forbes)  Angela Merkel was born in Hamburg, West Germany on July 17 1954, to Horst (a Lutheran pastor) and Herlind Kasner. She is the oldest of three children.  Her family moved to the German Democratic Republic, GDR, shortly after she was born, because her father was offered a job at a seminary.  She attended the University of Leipzig from 1973-1978, studying physics. She later earned her doctorate in 1986, in quantum chemistry at the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and remained as a researcher with the academy until 1990.  Angela started her political career when she joined the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, which had separated East and West Germany. She became CDU party leader in 2000 and appointed Chancellor in 2005.

5  Her leadership style is one that is realistic, precise and ruthless. She believes in always moving forward and likes keeping things in an orderly fashion. Whenever, she makes decisions she doesn’t go for the uncertain ones. All decisions that need to made, are carefully weighed to see all best scenarios. If the outcome is still too risky, she avoids it. People love her, because She stays grounded and committed to her beliefs and ideas, and she embraces opinions of some of her other opponents, thus incorporating the middle ground and taking the best options of all viewpoints. She listens to what her people and country want and does not want and she doesn’t deviate from that. She is ruthless with all people including her own party. If there is a scandal, she will not cover it up but intentionally put those at fault out there in public. She believes in owning up to anything and everything one does.

6  1990 - Served as Deputy Spokesperson for first democratically elected East German Government.  1991 – Appointed Minister for Women and Youth under Chancellor Helmut Kohl.  1994 – Appointed Minister of the Environment for Germany.  1998 – Appointed Secretary-General of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany.  2000 – Became the first female leader of a German party.  2005 – Elected as Germany’s first female Chancellor of Germany.  2006 – met with President George W. Bush  2006 – Met with president Vladimir Putin  2007 – Met with the 14 th Dalai Lama  2007 – President of the European Council, chaired the G8, second woman to do so.  2007 – Signed the agreement for the Transatlantic Economic Council to strengthen Transatlantic economic relations.  2008 - Received the Charlemagne Prize, the "Citizens' Prize for Services to European Unity.”  2009 – First visit to United States under President Barrack Obama’s administration.  2011 - Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama  2011 - Met with French President Nicholas Sarkozy to discuss a potential Greek bailout plan.  2011 - Met with Sarkozy to announce their proposed plan to impose fiscal discipline on members of the European Union.  2013 – Accused the U.S. National Security Agency of tapping her phone.  2013- Sworn in for her third term as Chancellor of Germany.  2012 – Ranked World’s second most powerful person by Forbes. (The highest ranking ever achieved by a woman)  2015 – Named Time Magazines Person of the Year.

7  Angela Merkel is often referred to as the world’s most powerful women. As a political leader I think many things can be learned from her. In 2005 she won the election defeating Chancellor Gerhard Schroder and has been Chancellor ever since. Even though she is not a flamboyant or outgoing person she has made a big difference in Germany.  During the European crisis Merkel has kept Germany stable. In order to avoid a recession she introduced an economic stimulus package and shortened worked hours. However, during this crisis she has lost many “friends” as she feels other countries could follow what Germany was doing instead of shelling out money for countries in need. During a recession her leadership showed that you do not need to bail out a country. There are ways to survive without a loan.  Angela Merkel has a good relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. She knows how to speak Russian and understands the Russian culture. She has emphasized to other Western leaders that pressuring him too much could push Russia into political and economic chaos. It is like the analogy of keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.  In terms of decision making, Merkel is a timely person and she does not make decision very easily. She reviews her decisions which show you can take time to assess a situation and make the right decision for your country. She does not reveal her plans. She is very straight forward and will call out people even in her own political party to get her own way.

8  Angela Merkel is now in her 3 rd term as Germany’s Chancellor, but in the beginning of her career, many believed that she had some characteristics that she needed to change in order to be better accepted by the citizens. Angela Merkel came from a very conservative family, and grew up on the east side of the Berlin Wall, which had affected the way she developed and the way she looked at life. Since Merkel was a very shy and awkward woman, it is surprising to many that she became such a powerful political leader. However, she had natural leadership qualities, and when the Berlin Wall came down, she took advantage of the opportunity to participate in politics. The German people and her political counterparts were not very accepting of her and didn’t understand her. Education and training herself and her personality in order to better represent a political leader could have helped her ease into the position. Despite her flaws, and seeing as she was still extremely successful in her career and with getting votes, Mrs. Merkel did not need to change her bland and awkward personality in order to be a good leader. Her other qualities were influential enough to compensate for her flaws.

9  Merkel has been known as “the most powerful woman in the world”, and up until last month, some say she should have won a Nobel Peace Price. Now, ever since the influx of refugees and the crisis of terror in Germany, the country is in a state of emergency and now she is in hot water with other EU countries and her own citizens. Even within her own party, she was criticized for having an open door policy and letting in 10,000 immigrants per day, from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan without implementing any proper screening policies. Because of the overwhelming number of refugees, Germany is scrambling to meet the housing, medical, educational, and security needs in order to accommodate them. This held true even before there was the current crisis of the attack on Paris. Now, Germans are on high alert, almost expecting an attack. What Angela should have done differently was to take into consideration the health, education, security, and housing needs these refugees would truly need given her budget and the realities that these people would bring to Germany. Merkel had many experts to turn to in ensuring an accurate and realistic plan, but this was not done.

10  Merkel influenced an open-door policy to refugees, even after Germany voiced its concerns regarding this. After the significant ongoing struggles to accommodate the refugees, and after the ISIS attacks in Paris, Merkel has decided that she will not run for a 4 th term in 2017. Only now can we see that she may not have analyzed the consequences as much as she should have. Merkel has now changed her mind about foreign policy and is supporting the need for more control, rather than just an “open door” policy - but is it too late?  There were many things that Merkel did right, despite her awkward personality, there were not many things she could have done differently in order to be more successful as a politician. Throughout her career, she has hit many milestones and has become a very successful leader. However, in light of the recent events of the refugee crisis, Mrs. Merkel has made such a big mistake that it has very likely ended her career.

11  n.d. 5 November 2015.  Angela Merkel. 2008. 4 November 2015.  Editors, Angela Merkel Biography. n.d. 6 November 2015.  Forbes. The World's 100 Most Powerful Women. 2015. 4 November 2015.  Connolly, K. (2015, 8 2015). Refugee Crisis. Retrieved 11 19, 2015, from The Guardian: open-door-policy  Marr, A. (2013, 9 23). The Making of Angela Merkel. Retrieved 11 22, 2015, from  Murdock, H. (2015, 11 22). Voice of America. Retrieved 11 22, 2015, from rise/3068795.html  (n/a) ‘Angela Merkel Biography’ Article: merkel-9406424  Forbes (n/a) ‘World’s Most Powerful People’ Article:  Connolly K. (Jan 7, 2015) ‘Ten Reason’s Angela Merkel is the world’s most powerful woman’ Article: world-most-powerful-woman  Henley J. (Sept 23, 2013) Want to be a successful Leader? Do it the Angela Merkel way’ Article: germany  Petrou M. (Feb 20, 2015) ‘Angela Merkel: The real leader of the free world‘ Article:

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