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Alham Abuatiq.PhD.MSN.RN. Study Purpose 1- Investigate the patient’s perception of stressors in the ICU. 2- To investigate the health care provider’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Alham Abuatiq.PhD.MSN.RN. Study Purpose 1- Investigate the patient’s perception of stressors in the ICU. 2- To investigate the health care provider’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alham Abuatiq.PhD.MSN.RN






7 Study Purpose 1- Investigate the patient’s perception of stressors in the ICU. 2- To investigate the health care provider’s perception of what constitutes a stressor from their patient’s perspective. 3- Describe how health care providers manage their patient’s stressors.

8 Literature Review  Utilizing CINAHL, Medline, and PubMed.


10 Methodology Mixed Methods Design. Sample size: The sample included 140 subjects (70 ICU patients and 70 ICU health care providers). Setting. Ethical Considerations.

11 Measurement Tools 1. Patients Demographic Data form. 2. Health care provider Demographic Data form: 3. “The Environmental Stressors Questionnaire" (ESQ), Cornock (1998).

12 Data Analysis & Findings Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 13.0. Descriptive statistics were computed to describe patient and staff characteristics. P value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.




16 Methods: Data Analysis  Research question: What are the stressors that the patients suffer from according to their experiences in the critical care setting?



19 Item #ESQ ItemPatient Rank Number of patients (%) Staff Rank Number of staff (%) 32 Being in pain. 1 st 41 (58.6%)1st57 (81.4%) 28 Not being able to sleep. 2 nd 23 (33.3%)10 th 24 (34.3%) 48 Financial worries 3 rd 19 (27.1%)4 th 44 (62.9%) 1 Being restricted by tubes/ lines. 4 th 15 (21.4%)20 th 12 (17.1%) 47 Being unable to fulfill family roles. 4 th 15 (21.4%)7 th 30 (42.9%) 37 Not being in control of yourself. 5 th 14 (20%)3 rd 45 (64.3%)


21 PATIENTS AND STAFF PERCEPTION OF STRESSORS An independent samples t-test indicated a significant (p= 0.001) difference between health care providers’ perception of their patients’ stressors and patients’ perception of stressors.




25 How Healthcare Providers Manage their Patient’s Stressors?

26 Selected Narrative Answers RN 7: “Communication with my patients I believe a reassuring voice and knowing what to expect can help relief stressors.” RN 55: “I try to anticipate their needs, this represents a challenge in that most ICU patients are sedated so we have to assess needs such as pain, dry mouth etc, from physiological and behavioral cues rather than just being able to ask the patient”. RN1: “Encourage family involvement in all aspects of care, Keep patient and family updated at all times”.

27 Major Categories of Managing ICU Patients Stressors ICU Environmental Control Communication (ICU patient and family education, referrals). Encourage Presence of Family near their ICU patient. Pain Management.

28 Study Implications Nursing practice: Exploring and prioritizing ICU patient’s stressors will guide the implementation of a stressor- oriented treatment and care plan.

29 Study Implications Policy Making: Results of this study could support the implementation of ICU stressor-control policies.

30 Implications for Future Research The findings of this research can direct future studies to investigate and implement a more effective pain management protocol for ICU patients based on their medical diagnosis.

31 IJN,




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