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WA105 6x6x6 Cryogenics David Montanari / Johan Bremer Sep 21, 2015 Rev. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "WA105 6x6x6 Cryogenics David Montanari / Johan Bremer Sep 21, 2015 Rev. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 WA105 6x6x6 Cryogenics David Montanari / Johan Bremer Sep 21, 2015 Rev. 1

2 Outline Intro Cryogenics Preliminary PFDs How to go from 1x1x3 to 6x6x6 Preliminary ODH assessment Summary 2Sep 21, 2015WA105 Technical Board

3 As a community we want to develop a common strategy to address LAr/LN2 cryogenic needs for: – WA105 1x1x3 (very short term)  CERN. – SBND/ICARUS (short term)  Fermilab. – WA105 6x6x6 and ProtoDUNE (short term)  CERN. – LBNF/DUNE (long term)  SURF. – Other future generation detectors to come. We want to minimize the effort and design and fabricate a standard system that could be “enlarged” and adapted for future short/mid/long term needs. To the extent possible, we want to design a portable system that could be fabricated and tested in one place and installed at destination in another, with “quick” connections to/from cryostat. We want to test all features that might be relevant and of interest for present and future detectors: external/internal LAr pumps, cold roof (< 100 K), etc. and the possibility to turn them on/off to compare. Three parts are identified (for both LAr and LN2 systems): Proximity Cryogenics External Cryogenics Internal Cryogenics Sep 21, 2015WA105 Technical Board3 Intro

4 ParameterValue LocationPreferably not in front of the cryostat (on the beam line) LAr purity in cryostat??? xxx ms lifetime (xxx ppt O2 equivalent contamination) ??? GAr Piston purge rate of rise1.2 m/hr Membrane cool-down rateFrom manufacturer TPCs cool-down rate< 40 K/hr ?? Nominal LAr purification flow rate (filling/ops)5.5 day/volume change (3.65 m^3/hr = 61 l/m) GAr purge within insulation1 volume change/day of the open space between insulation panels Cooling power Cool down: TBD Static heat leak of cryostat: 3.0 kW (1.0 m insulation, 2.6 kW with 1.2 m) Operations: 3.0 kW + TBD: -Electronics heat load ?? -LAr pump(s) heat load ?? -Heat leak of cryo-piping (From cryo-piping design) ?? Lifetime of the cryogenic systemConsistent with the LAr program TBD Control systemIntegrated with the other neutrino projects (as much as possible) Cryogenic System Requirements 4Sep 21, 2015WA105 Technical Board Note: a standardization of the cryostat size between WA105 6x6x6 and ProtoDUNE is in place. Values may slightly change accordingly.

5 Cryogenic Systems (Preliminary) To the extend possible, we want to design a portable system that could be fabricated and tested in one place and installed at destination in another, with quick connections to/from cryostat. External Cryogenics (CERN)  can be located anywhere, will be outside of the building. Internal Cryogenics (WA105)  inside the cryostat (includes the LAr circulation pump). Proximity Cryogenics (CERN)  several locations: – Condenser and LAr Phase separator (and maybe LN2 dewar/phase separator) will have to be located above the roof of the cryostat or nearby, but higher than the roof of the cryostat. – Penetrations through the top of the cryostat. – GAr purge in the insulation two in and two out at a certain elevation with piping going to the rest of the system. – The remaining can be located where space permits, preferably in the vicinity of the cryostat. LAr/LN2, GAr/GN2 piping will connect Proximity/External/Internal cryogenics. The design will inform on size and specific location. Sep 21, 2015WA105 Technical Board5

6 Sep 21, 2015WA105 Technical Board6 PFD of LAr system (Preliminary)

7 Sep 21, 2015WA105 Technical Board7 PFD of LN2 system (Preliminary)

8 Cryogenic Systems Capabilities To clean the cryostat: – GAr purging and venting – GAr recirculation and purification. To cool down the cryostat and fill it with LAr. To continuously purify the LAr (filling and operations). To purify and re-condense the boil off gas. To handle the LAr/GAr and LN2/GN2 flows during all phases. To monitor and control internal and external pressure: Pressure Control / Vacuum Protection Auto/Manual venting. Make-up GAr. To handle the GAr purge inside the insulation. Instrumentation and diagnostics. To sample GAr and measure the concentration of contaminants. Control system. Sep 21, 2015WA105 Technical Board8

9 Sep 21, 2015WA105 Technical Board9 How to go from 1x1x3 to 6x6x6 We plan to follow a similar process to that of the WA105 1x1x3: ItemCryo transfer lines + Valve Boxes Warm GAr piping Preliminary design and sizingCERN P&ID and 3D modelingCERN TenderingIssued by CERN- Final design and fabricationVendorCERN Inspections and tests (leak check, pressure test, cold test, etc.) Vendor and vendor’s facilityCERN Control systemCERN Installation and final testingVendor at CERNCERN CommissioningCERN/WA105

10 Sep 21, 2015WA105 Technical Board10 WA105 1x1x3 – P&ID

11 Sep 21, 2015WA105 Technical Board11 WA105 1x1x3 – Views 1

12 Sep 21, 2015WA105 Technical Board12 WA105 1x1x3 – Views 2

13 Preliminary ODH risk assessment for EHN1 Met weekly with WA105 and HSE. Drafted a “Preliminary ODH risk assessment” for EHN1 (WA105 6x6x6 and ProtoDUNE). Document includes: – Description of experiments – Steady state analysis – Proposed mitigation strategies (to be implemented by the experiments in collaboration with HSE and CV Document being circulated among relevant stakeholders at CERN for comments. 13WA105 Technical BoardSep 21, 2015

14 Cryogenics DRAFT schedule Preliminary Design (with P&ID and 3D modeling): Oct 2015 - May 2016. Final Design/Procurement: May 2016-Apr 2017. Installation/Assembly/Final testing at CERN: Apr-Jun 2017. Ready for operations: Jun 2017. 14WA105 Technical BoardSep 21, 2015

15 Summary The WA105 1x1x3 cryogenic system design is being finalized. We have a P&ID and a 3D model of the building with the cryostat and the cryogenic system. We have written Technical Specifications for the tendering of the cryogenic transfer lines and the valve boxes. Once the tendering is in progress we will focus on the WA105 6x6x6, for which we will follow a similar process to that of the 1x1x3: – Develop P&ID and 3D model. – Preliminary Design – Technical specifications for the final design and fabrication of the cryo transfer lines and valve boxes. – Final Design of the warm part. – Installation and assembly at CERN. – Final testing and commissioning at CERN. 15WA105 Technical BoardSep 21, 2015

16 Thanks

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