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Suicide “A permanent solution to a temporary problem/situation”

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2 Suicide “A permanent solution to a temporary problem/situation”

3 SUICIDE What is suicide? Rates Mental disorder and suicide Risk factor Timing of US Suicides Groups with the highest suicide

4 What is suicide? Definition: Suicide is an act of deliberate self- injury. It is considered an appeal to other people – suicidal gesture, “cry for help” Intention – varies from clear intention to unconscious wish to reckless/impulsive behavior to suicidal ideation (thoughts), with many people being ambivalent (hesitant) about suicide

5 SUICIDE Prevalence rates Average rate of 12.5 per 100,000 in the United States Women are almost twice as likely to attempt suicide Men tend to use more lethal means than women 10 th Leading cause of death in America

6 SUICIDE Attempters and Completers CharacteristicAttemptersCompleters Sex More often female More often male AgeYoungerOlder Means Low lethality High lethality Setting High chance of rescue Low chance of rescue Diagnoses Dysthymia, Borderline Personality Mood disorder, Schizophrenia, Substance Abuse

7 SUICIDE US Rates Attempted suicide is much more common than completed suicide Suicide rates has steadily risen since 1920 when it was 5 per 100,000 14.5 Among white male population, lowest in black and Hispanic/Latino.

8 SUICIDE Prevalence rates - International Internationally highest suicide rates are in eastern and northern European countries (e.g., Hungary – rate of 45 per 100,000; Russia 21 per 100,000, Greenland 100 per 100,000) Japan does not keep records or maybe do not disclose their suicide rates. In Japan suicide is accepted. - Suicide Forrest. Low rates in Mediterranean countries (e.g., Greece – rate of 3 per 100,000; Spain – rate of 4 per 100,000, Italy 2 per 100,000)

9 SUICIDE Mental disorder and suicide Studies suggest that up to 90% of those who complete suicide had a mental disorder at the time of their death Several mental disorders have high rates of suicide – mood disorder, schizophrenia, substance abuse/alcoholism

10 Timing of USA suicides 1 suicide every 12 minutes OR 105 suicides every day (approx.) 105 suicides every day (approx.)

11 What is a “survivor”? - A “suicide survivor” is someone who has lost a loved one to death by suicide.

12 A minimum of__8___survivors for each death by suicide (Note: 31,000 suicides translates into 775,000 attempts annually) 25 attempts for each documented death

13 Suicide is a leading cause of death (2004) Rank & Cause Number of deaths Rank & Cause Number of deaths 1. Diseases of the heart 652.486 2. Malignant neoplasms (cancer) 533,888 3. Cerebrovascular diseases (stroke) 150,074 4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases 121,987 5. Accidents 112,012 6. Diabetes mellitus 73,138 7. Alzheimer’sDisease 65,965 8. Pneumonia and influenza 59,664 9. Nephritis, nephrosis 42,480 10 Suicide 32,439 Ranking 10th in the USA It is the second leading cause of death for 15 - 24 year olds

14 SUICIDE There is a need for a more focused, coordinated national strategy to deal with this problem We need to put our devices down and pay attention to the people around us!

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