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HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Unit 1: Youth health and development AOS 2: Transition to adulthood Chapter 3: Transition and physical development 2.

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Unit 1: Youth health and development AOS 2: Transition to adulthood Chapter 3: Transition and physical development 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Unit 1: Youth health and development AOS 2: Transition to adulthood Chapter 3: Transition and physical development 2

2 Physical development  Puberty- a period of rapid and complex physical development in which a young person’s body reaches physical and sexual maturity  The growth spurt and sexual maturation are major physical changes during puberty  Activity 3.5 Physical changes (53)

3 Physical development

4 Growth spurt  Growth spurt- sudden increase in body growth, particularly height and weight that occurs at puberty  Two years earlier for girls than boys  Girls experience it around 9-14 years old  Boys experience it between 10 and 16

5 Growth spurt


7 Skill builder 3.1 (54)  Question 1 and 2

8 Growth spurt (cont.) P55-read 1. Why are girls typically taller, stronger and heavier than boys between 11 and 13 years of age? 2. Where does bone growth begin? 3. In boys the shoulders become ______ and on girls the hips ______. 4. Growth of the jaw may lead to? 5. How do young people increase their physical endurance relating to the growth spurt ? 6. How can acne develop?

9 Sexual maturation  Primary sex characteristics- the sex organs that are directly related to reproduction  Menarche- the first menstrual period  Spermarche- the first ejaculation of seminal fluid  Secondary sex characteristics- body changes that are not directly involved in reproduction but indicate sexual maturity

10 Physical development during puberty

11 Sexual maturation (55-56)-read 1. What happens to the primary sex characteristics during puberty? 2. What is the first menstrual period called? 3. List examples of secondary sex characteristics? 4. Place figure 3.4 in a table in your workbooks (neatly).

12 Activity 3.6- Data analysis (57)  Questions 1-8

13 Handout: Physical Changes

14 Hormones and puberty Hormones- chemical messengers that circulate in the blood and control or regulate many processes in the body Oestrogen- the female sex hormone that causes sexual development in the females Testosterone- the male sex organ that causes sexual development in the males

15 Hormones and puberty (59)- read 1. Where are hormones manufactured? 2. What are some examples of endocrine glands? 3. What does the hypothamus do? 4. What hormones are largely responsible for the changes that occur during puberty? 5. Male/female- List and describe what your major hormone does for you during puberty?

16 Endocrine system

17 Handout: Hormones and puberty

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